Prism CRM customer relationship management PHP Script

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Sep 12, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Manage and invoice projects with the powerful Project Management Feature.

Build professional, great looking estimates and invoices.

Powerful support system with ability to auto import tickets.

Track time spent on tasks and bill your customers. Ability to assign multiple staff members on task and track timer per assigned staff.

Add task followers even if the staff is not project member. The staff member will be able to track the task progress without accessing the project.

Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto import leads from email, add notes, create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop.

Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales.

Records your company/project expenses and have the ability to bill to your customers and auto convert to invoice.

Know more about your customers with powerful CRM.

Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys.

Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.

Create announcements for your staff members and customers.

Use Contracts feature to lock in current and future sales.

Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads and more.

Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature.

Separated media folder for non-admin staff members to work inside the CRM and organize their uploads and files.

Great looking calendar for each staff member based on staff permissions.

Follow ups, reports, notes, files and many more features. Manage and invoice projects with the powerful Project Management Feature.
Build professional, great looking estimates and invoices.
Powerful support system with ability to auto import tickets.
Track time spent on tasks and bill your customers. Ability to assign multiple staff members on task and track timer per assigned staff.
Add task followers even if the staff is not project member. The staff member will be able to track the task progress without accessing the project.
Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto import leads from email, add notes, create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop.
Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales.
Records your company/project expenses and have the ability to bill to your customers and auto convert to invoice.
Know more about your customers with powerful CRM.
Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys.
Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.
Create announcements for your staff members and customers.
Use Contracts feature to lock in current and future sales.
Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads and more.
Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature.
Separated media folder for non-admin staff members to work inside the CRM and organize their uploads and files.
Great looking calendar for each staff member based on staff permissions.
Follow ups, reports, notes, files and many more features.

File Tree

  • 📁 Prism CRM customer relationship management PHP Script

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AI 가격 예측


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