QR Code Scanner and Generator App Source Code

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Jul 26, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Unlock the potential of QR technology with our versatile QR Code Scanner & Generator App!

Elevate your mobile app portfolio with our sophisticated QR Code Scanner & Generator App! This fully-featured solution is97c88419-685c-402f-901d-2adb90e63921 designed to provide users with a seamless experience in both scanning and generating QR codes. Whether for business, events, or personal use, this app delivers precision and convenience.

Our QR Code Scanner & Generator App is built with a modern and intuitive interface that ensures ease of use while offering powerful functionality. The app allows users to quickly scan any QR code and generate custom QR codes for various types of data. With integrated history management, users can easily access previously scanned or created QR codes. The app also supports ad integration, enabling monetization opportunities for developers.


Key Features:
Instant QR Code Scanning: Quickly scan and decode QR codes with high-speed processing and accuracy.
Custom QR Code Generation: Easily create QR codes for URLs, contact information, plain text, email addresses, phone numbers, and more.
History Management: Keep a record of all scanned and generated QR codes for easy access and reference.
Save & Share: Save QR codes to your device or share them via social media, email, or messaging apps.
Customizable User Interface: Modify the app's appearance to align with your branding or aesthetic preferences.
Ad Integration: Built-in support for ads, providing a potential revenue stream.
Lightweight & Efficient: Optimized for performance, ensuring a smooth user experience on a wide range of devices.




Instant QR Code Scanning: Quickly scan and decode QR codes with high-speed processing and accuracy.
Custom QR Code Generation: Easily create QR codes for URLs, contact information, plain text, email addresses, phone numbers, and more.
History Management: Keep a record of all scanned and generated QR codes for easy access and reference.
Save & Share: Save QR codes to your device or share them via social media, email, or messaging apps.
Customizable User Interface: Modify the app's appearance to align with your branding or aesthetic preferences.
Ad Integration: Built-in support for ads, providing a potential revenue stream.
Lightweight & Efficient: Optimized for performance, ensuring a smooth user experience on a wide range of devices.

Technical Details:
Platform: Android
Language: Java
Development Environment: Android Studio
# Intuitively designed user interface
#Google AdMob, Facebook ads Integrated
#Android 14 Support with SDK 34

Documentation: Comprehensive setup and usage guide included, with step-by-step instructions and code explanations.

File Tree

  • 📁 QR Code Scanner and Generator App Source Code

설치 지침


1) Android Studio
3) Android
5) Admob Account
6) Play Store Account


1) Download and Unzip Project Main File
2) Open Project File On Android Studio
3) Run Project
4) Change UI Design Colors, App Logo And Splash Screen Image For Reskin.

변경 및 적응 지침


1) Android Studio


3) Android


5) Admob Account

6) Play Store Account

1) Download and Unzip Project Main File
2) Open Project File On Android Studio
3) Run Project
4) Change UI Design Colors, App Logo And Splash Screen Image For Reskin.

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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