Quick Igniter Admin CodeIgniter Admin Panel

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Jun 18, 2020

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보


QIA (Quick Igniter Admin) is a powerful Administrative Panel to quickly start developing systems using Codeigniter. This panel has several fully functional features to facilitate the development of your project, be it a CMS, a Blog, an Ecommerce, a Forum or any other type of system.

Script Features

See below for a list of all, or the main, features available in the script.


Admin Features

  • Dashboard with Counters
  • Manage Admins - Create / Edit / Delete / Activate-Deactivate-Ban / Change Role Group
  • Manage Users - Create / Edit / Delete / Activate-Deactivate-Ban
  • Roles & Permissions - Create / Edit / Delete / Assign Permissions
  • Modules - Create / Edit / Delete / Set Permissions
  • Pages - Create / Edit / Delete
  • F.A.Q.s - Create / Edit / Delete
  • News - Create / Edit / Delete
  • Settings - Update General Settings (SEO / Design / Pagination)
  • AdminLTE - Full Customization (Navbar, Sidebar, Body, Brand, Layout)
  • Countries - Create / Edit / Delete
  • States - Create / Edit / Delete
  • Cities - Create / Edit / Delete
  • Languages - Set Default / Update Translation Files
  • DB Backups - Create(select tables, format, etc) / Delete / Download
  • Edit Admin Profile

Other Features

  • Admins Table with ACL
  • Users Table without ACL
  • Auth Library - Login, Logout, Register, Forgot Password, Reset Password
  • API RESTful Library - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • Routes with separate files - admin, site
  • Multi Language - Included: English, Portuguese-Brazilian
  • Custom Helper - 10+ functions
  • Front-end - Theme/Template System
  • Commented Code
  • 100% Responsive


  • XSS
  • SQL Injection
  • CSRF
  • Password Hashing

System Version

  • Codeigniter 3.1.11
  • AdminLTE 3
  • Bootstrap 4
  • DevelBar 1.2


URL: https://quickigniteradmin.smartyscripts.com/admin

Super Admin

  • Username: super
  • Password: 123456


  • Username: admin
  • Password: 123456


  • Username: demo
  • Password: 123456


  • Server Type: Linux
  • PHP Version: 7.2 or higher
  • MySQL version: 5.7.14 or higher
  • PHP extensions: OpenSSL PHP, PDO, Mbstring, XML, CURL, BCMath, Ctype, JSON
  • Apache Extensions: Mod-Rewrite


Documentation included

Quick Igniter Admin CodeIgniter Admin Panel

OverviewQIA (Quick Igniter Admin) is a powerful Administrative Panel to quickly start developing systems using Codeigniter. This panel has several fully functional features to facilitate the development of your project, be it a CMS, a Blog, an Ecommerce, a Forum or any other type of system.Script FeaturesSee below for a list of all, or the main, features available in the script.FeaturesAdmin FeaturesDashboard with CountersManage Admins - Create / Edit / Delete / Activate-Deactivate-Ban / Change Role GroupManage Users - Create / Edit / Delete / Activate-Deactivate-BanRoles Permissions - Create / Edit / Delete / Assign PermissionsModules - Create / Edit / Delete / Set PermissionsPages - Create / Edit / DeleteF.A.Q.s - Create / Edit / DeleteNews - Create / Edit / DeleteSettings - Update General Settings (SEO / Design / Pagination)AdminLTE - Full Customization (Navbar, Sidebar, Body, Brand, Layout)Countries - Create / Edit / DeleteStates - Create / Edit / DeleteCities - Create / Edit / DeleteLanguages - Set Default / Update Translation FilesDB Backups - Create(select tables, format, etc) / Delete / DownloadEdit Admin ProfileOther FeaturesAdmins Table with ACLUsers Table without ACLAuth Library - Login, Logout, Register, Forgot Password, Reset PasswordAPI RESTful Library - GET, POST, PUT, DELETERoutes with separate files - admin, siteMulti Language - Included: English, Portuguese-BrazilianCustom Helper - 10 functionsFront-end - Theme/Template SystemCommented Code100 ResponsiveSecurityXSSSQL InjectionCSRFPassword HashingSystem VersionCodeigniter 3.1.11AdminLTE 3Bootstrap 4DevelBar 1.2DemoURL: https://quickigniteradmin.smartyscripts.com/admin Super AdminUsername: superPassword: 123456AdminUsername: adminPassword: 123456DemoUsername: demoPassword: 123456RequirementsServer Type: LinuxPHP Version: 7.2 or higherMySQL version: 5.7.14 or higherPHP extensions: OpenSSL PHP, PDO, Mbstring, XML, CURL, BCMath, Ctype, JSONApache Extensions: Mod-RewriteInstructionsDocumentation included

File Tree

  • 📁 Quick Igniter Admin CodeIgniter Admin Panel

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