Restaurant Management System

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Sep 2, 2020

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Restaurant Management System is a Python-Tkinter developed GUI system

with a built-in calculator, Restaurant Menu(upgradeable), and total bill calculation

including tax.

The App shows the name of the restaurant on top and just below it is the current date and time display.

This is a perfect source-code for school/college projects.

businesses in restaurants are now growing constantly. At the same time, the
need for managing its operations and tasks arises. The best way to optimize
these activities is growing the business online as well. Today’s
generation encourages high-tech services, especially over the Internet.

project “Restaurant Management System” is implemented to reduce the manual work
and enhances the accuracy of work in a restaurant.

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is Desktop Application to restaurant management. Hence
the project is developed proficiently to help restaurants. This system wake to
provide service facility to restaurant and owners automate their BILLING

system entirely reduces the unnecessary time waste inside the hotel as well as
it reduces unnecessary calculation.

per the new rule Goods and Service Tax (GST) levy on both AC and non-AC
restaurants to 5%. Every restaurant charges 5% GST breakup as 2.5% State GST
(SGST) and 2.5 % Central GST (CGST) without any other service tax and any other
VAT charges.. We have developed a RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM with inbuilt GST
calculation in the bill, as well as it shows the amount in rupees how much GST
is applied.

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project fully developed in python language which is currently
demanded in the market using python GUI Tkinter. Python is a programming language
that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently.



The best way to optimize
these activities is growing the business online as well. The
project Restaurant Management System is implemented to reduce the manual work
and enhances the accuracy of work in a restaurant.

File Tree

  • 📁 Restaurant Management System

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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