Shopo Multi Vendor E commerce Platform

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


mohamed hussein
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Aug 11, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보





<h3>Why Choose Shopo ?</h3>


Are you looking for a complete Multivendor Shopping Ecommerce solution system for your business, then you are in

the right place. Shopo is a Multi Vendor eCommerce Shopping Platform.

You can choose Shopo script as the most suitable platform for multi-vendor eCommerce.

You can use it for : Toys & Kids Shop, Beauty & Health Shop, Watch & Jewelry Shop, Man & Women Fashion Shop,

Electronics & Computers Shop, Food & Grocery Shop, Tools & Parts Shop, Home & Furniture Shop, Sports & Outdoors

Shop, etc.

eCommerce platforms are gaining more and more popularity nowadays and we keep maintaining all the demands of our

users. The script has unlimited category, brands, products, orders, category create options. full content

management system, SEO,

It's a complete MERN(MongoDB, Express, React, and Node) project but you can use it according to your need or

Multi-Purpose eCommerce solutions. First loaded, SEO friendly and PWA integrated , and more ...






<strong>Tech We Used:</strong>



<p>ReactJS is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI

components. </p>



<p>Used Tailwindcss for design store and admin which is a utility-first CSS framework. </p>


<li>Node js

<p>Node.js is an open source server environment; Node.js is free; Node.js runs on various platforms

(Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)</p>



<p>Backend is built with node.js framework express.js for Rest API routes.




<p>Used MongoDB as a database with mongoose schema validation.



<li>Redux Toolkit

<p>for managing and updating application state</p>





Main Features:
Powerful Admin Dashboard
Fully Inventory Management System
Strong Backend System With incredible frontend design
Powerful Seller Dashboard
Powerful User Dashboard
Secure Payments Gateway
Sellers Can Send and receive payment withdrawal
advanced authentication system
Filter Products (Category, Brand, Reviews ,Price Range, etc.)
Multi vendor
Unlimted Categories
Advanced Search functionality
Unlimted Brands
Optional Wishlist
Checkout Page
Cart Page
Success Order Page
Order Invoice
Fully SEO Friendly
Review Ratings
Stock management
Easy Customize
Product Reviews
Fully Responsive
Dynamic Slider
Social Sharing
Role Management
Product Management
Order Manage
Update Order Management System
Payment Gateway Management
Clean & Modern Frontend and Admin Interface
add to card / add to wishlist
seller account active inactive
General Setting Options
Support Modern Browser and Cross-browser Compatibility.
Regular Updates Facilities.
Discount / Top Rated / Latest Products Feature
Lifetime Free Update.
and more ...

File Tree

  • 📁 Shopo Multi Vendor E commerce Platform

설치 지침

unzip files after download from piecex
you are free to use the files
can use it according to your need or Multi-Purpose eCommerce solutions
you are free to change anything in the app
you are free to change frontend files
you are free to change backend files
you are free to change dashbaord files

you are ready to go now and experience main features with shopo !

변경 및 적응 지침

unzip files after download from piecex
you are free to use the files
can use it according to your need or Multi-Purpose eCommerce solutions
you are free to change anything in the app
you are free to change frontend files
you are free to change backend files
you are free to change dashbaord files

you are ready to go now and experience main features with shopo !

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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