Source code game unitty 2D

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Sep 22, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Unity 2D Game Project - Complete Source Code

1. Game introduction: The game is a 2D RPG game with eye-catching graphics, vivid sound and interesting gameplay. Players will play the role of a female witch character, adventure through challenging levels, defeat monsters and win.

2. Outstanding features:

Beautiful graphics: Using high-quality sprites and visual effects, ensuring your game looks attractive and professional.

Smooth gameplay: Simple character control mechanism, easy to get used to but no less challenging.

Vivid sound system: Music and sound effects are meticulously designed, creating a realistic experience for players.

Many levels: The game has many different levels, each level has unique challenges and monsters.
3. Source code content:

Complete Unity Project: Includes all the necessary files to open and run the game in Unity.
Report document: Includes a word file to report on the game.
Sprite and assets: Includes all images, sounds and other resources used in the game.
Script and source code: C# code with detailed annotations.
4. Benefits of owning this project:

Save time: With complete source code, you don't need to start from zero.
Gain experience: Through researching and customizing code, you will improve your programming and game development skills.
Unleash your creativity: Easily add new features, create a unique game with your own mark.
5. Instructions:

Gameplay: Use the mouse to attack in the direction of the mouse, use Q to use the attack skill Luminios, use R to use the healing skill Bloom Of Life.
Asset used to build the map by title map: Asset/Building/... (Portal folder includes a prefab used for players to pass the level. Enter the scene you want to load in the Portal script to load the level)
Enemy: The enemy prefab is located in Asset/Enemy/.. Select the enemy prefab and drag it into the scene.
Resource folder: Includes fonts, audio, game events,...

Gameplay: Use the mouse to attack in the direction of the mouse, use Q to use the attack skill Luminios, use R to use the healing skill Bloom Of Life.
Asset used to build the map by the map title: Asset/Building/... (Portal folder includes a prefab used for players to pass the level. Enter the scene you want to load in the Portal script to load the level)
Enemy: The enemy prefab is located in Asset/Enemy/.. Select the enemy prefab and drag it into the scene.
Resource folder: Includes fonts, audio, game events,...

File Tree

  • 📁 Source code game unitty 2D

설치 지침

Unzip the downloaded file, add it to unity hub and open the game.

(version used for build: Unity 2022.3.25f1)

변경 및 적응 지침

Gameplay: Use the mouse to attack in the direction of the mouse, use Q to use the attack skill Luminios, use R to use the healing skill Bloom Of Life.
Asset used to build the map by the map title: Asset/Building/... (Portal folder includes a prefab used for players to pass the level. Enter the scene you want to load in the Portal script to load the level)
Enemy: The enemy prefab is located in Asset/Enemy/.. Select the enemy prefab and drag it into the scene.
Resource folder: Includes fonts, audio, game events,...

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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