The Muslim App

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Sayed Aly
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Mar 5, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

The Muslim App is a comprehensive application catering to the needs of Muslims worldwide. It offers a range of features including:

  1. Qibla Direction: Helps users determine the direction of the Qibla accurately.

  2. Prayer Times: Provides accurate prayer timings based on the user's location.

  3. Next Prayer Time Calculation: Calculates the time remaining for the next prayer based on the current time.

  4. Qur an: Offers access to the Qur an with Arabic text and translations in multiple languages.

  5. Rosary (Tasbih): Allows users to keep track of their recitations and supplications.

  6. Islamic Cards Creation: Enables users to design and create Islamic-themed greeting cards.

  7. Audio Qur anic Verses: Listen to recitations of Qur anic verses in audio format.

  8. Islamic Songs: Enjoy a collection of Islamic songs and chants.

  9. Morning and Evening Remembrances: Provides a selection of supplications for morning and evening.

  10. Remembrances After Prayer: Offers a variety of supplications to recite after completing prayers.

  11. Various Remembrances: Access a wide range of Islamic remembrances for different occasions.

  12. Admob ads: (banner-interstitial).

  13. Multilingual Support: Supports multiple languages, allowing users from diverse backgrounds to use the app comfortably.

With these features, The Muslim App aims to serve as a comprehensive tool for Muslims to practice and deepen their faith conveniently.

What You Get:

  • Full Source Code for (Android, iOS).

  • APK File.

  • Full Documentation with Website.

File Tree

  • 📁 The Muslim App

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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