VTU portal full script

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


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Oct 16, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

This is VTU script that allow you to sell Airtime, Data, Cable tv subscription and Electricity token, you just need to purchase the script and install on your server anf you are good,,, multiple domain installation enabled

The well known way of loading a phone with airtime credit is by buying a

Paper or scratch card and then loading it on your phone with a USSD code.

The other way is the digital method called Virtual Top Up (VTU), with VTU,

the phone will be directly credited by the vendor and there will be no need for

scratching a card or loading with USSD.

The buyer will just receive an alert that his phone has been topped up.

Virtual Top Up therefore is a digital way of selling airtime credit automatically.

Telecoms is now focusing on Virtual Top Up than logical sales (Paper recharge)

Quickteller is the biggest airtime dealer in Virtual Top Up, doing over N3 billion every month.

Super Dealers of GSM Networks retain 1% commission on recharge cards sold while Quickteller retains 5%.

With the current government policy that's clamping down on petty businesses settings along the streets, small business owners are finding it more profitable and safer to have their business setup online.

This paradigm shift has invariably shoot the demand for automated VTU portal to a great height and this translates to bigger income for website designers.

Virtual Topup Business is an outstanding Business with a high return, even the Commercial Banks will not give you this kind of commission as Interest on your Savings.

And the beautiful thing about this new business model is that it runs on autopilot.

This simply means that the system will collect payment from the customer,

send the airtime to the user and credit the money collected into your bank account

while you are busy with your other activities. This is VTU script that allow you to sell Airtime, Data, Cable tv subscription and Electricity token, you just need to purchase the script and install on your server anf you are good,,, multiple domain installation enabled

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  • 📁 VTU portal full script

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