WhatsMail Saas Attractive tools for WhatsApp Email Scraping with Ai and Cms Builder

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Sep 9, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Unlock the Power of Seamless Communication!

In a world where every second counts, WhatsMail is here to revolutionize how you connect with your audience. This cutting-edge platform seamlessly combines the powerful features of WhatsApp messaging, web CMS, AI integration, Scraping data and email marketing into one cohesive solution. Whether you're looking to enhance engagement, boost conversions, or streamline your operations, WhatsMail has you covered.



Our Platform Demo

Landing Page

Super Admin
Email : admin@mdh-digital.com
Password : 11223344

Email : pasarsafe346@gmail.com
Password : 11223344

Our Features

Saas Features

  1. Master Data Bank

  2. Application Panel

  3. Subscription Packages
    • Set trial or non-trial service

    • Set service price

    • Set additional day limit

    • Limit Number of Users

    • Set Maximum Number of Users

    • Set Maximum Number of Devices

    • Set Maximum WhatsApp Sending Limit

    • Set Limit Number of Emails Sent

    • Set Maximum Email Sending Limit

    • Set Maximum Data Scraping Limit

    • Set Maximum Number of Templates

    • Set Maximum Number of AI Trainings

    • Set Maximum Number of ChatBots

  4. Manage Transactions
    • Customer List

    • Manage incoming payments

  5. Manage Customers or Merchants
    • Customer Category

    • Customer List

    • Customer Dashboard Monitor

    • Login As Customer / User

    • Active or Non Active Customer / Merchant

  6. CMS Website
    • Manage Website Pages

    • Web Builder

    • Blog Category

    • Blog List

    • Web Links

  7. General Configuration
    • System Settings

    • Website Settings

    • General Settings

    • Notification Settings

User Features

  1. Starter Panel

  2. Make a subscription package purchase

  3. Make a payment

  4. Configuration

  5. Manage Users

  6. Category Contact Data

  7. WhatsApp Template

  8. Email Template Builder

  9. ChatBot Auto Reply

  10. Ai Training Data or ChatBot With Ai

  11. WhatsApp Device
    • Scan Qr Device

    • Api Documentation

    • Chatt App

    • Send Single Message

    • Auto Reply Method

    • Auto Reply Time

    • Auto Reply Day

  12. State
    • Manage State

    • Import Data

  13. City
    • Manage City

    • Import Data

  14. District
    • Manage District

    • Import Data

  15. State
    • Manage State

    • Import Data

  16. State
    • Manage State

    • Import Data

  17. Scraping Data
    • Scraping Logs

    • Export data Scraping Results

  18. Contact Data
    • Import Data

    • Export Data

  19. Email Blast or Email Bulk Sender
    • Email Sender Log

  20. Whatsapp Blast or Whatsapp Bulk Sender
    • WhatsApp Sender Log

A. Saas Features
Master Data Bank
Application Panel
Subscription Packages
Set trial or non-trial service
Set service price
Set additional day limit
Limit Number of Users
Set Maximum Number of Users
Set Maximum Number of Devices
Set Maximum WhatsApp Sending Limit
Set Limit Number of Emails Sent
Set Maximum Email Sending Limit
Set Maximum Data Scraping Limit
Set Maximum Number of Templates
Set Maximum Number of AI Trainings
Set Maximum Number of ChatBots
Manage Transactions
Customer List
Manage incoming payments
Manage Customers or Merchants
Customer Category
Customer List
Customer Dashboard Monitor
Login As Customer / User
Active or Non Active Customer / Merchant
CMS Website
Manage Website Pages
Web Builder
Blog Category
Blog List
Web Links
General Configuration
System Settings
Website Settings
General Settings
Notification Settings

B. User Features
Starter Panel
Make a subscription package purchase
Make a payment
Manage Users
Category Contact Data
WhatsApp Template
Email Template Builder
ChatBot Auto Reply
Ai Training Data or ChatBot With Ai
WhatsApp Device
Scan Qr Device
Api Documentation
Chatt App
Send Single Message
Auto Reply Method
Auto Reply Time
Auto Reply Day
Manage State
Import Data
Manage City
Import Data
Manage District
Import Data
Manage State
Import Data
Manage State
Import Data
Scraping Data
Scraping Logs
Export data Scraping Results
Contact Data
Import Data
Export Data
Email Blast or Email Bulk Sender
Email Sender Log
Whatsapp Blast or Whatsapp Bulk Sender
WhatsApp Sender Log

File Tree

  • 📁 WhatsMail Saas Attractive tools for WhatsApp Email Scraping with Ai and Cms Builder

설치 지침

1. Upload whatsmail-mail.zip To Cpanel or Your Server Vps
2. Extrack Zip
3. Create Database
4. Open your Link Product and follow the installation steps
For Detail Installation Instruction, check online documentation https://whatsmail.mdhpos.com/public/documentation/piecex/

변경 및 적응 지침

How Can Customer Make Change ? Yes, as a buyer you can make changes to this item.

How does the data scraping feature work? The data scraping feature allows you to gather key information from sources like Google Maps, including business names, locations, contact details, and more. This helps you build targeted marketing lists and reach potential customers more effectively.

Can I customize the automated responses? Yes, WhatsMail allows you to tailor automated responses based on specific triggers and customer interactions. You can set up custom replies to ensure they match your business needs and provide a personalized experience.

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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비즈니스 개발자를 위한 최신 정보를 원하십니까? 소스 코드 프로젝트에 대한 PieceX 커뮤니티의 요구사항을 알아보세요. PieceX의 최신 무료 커뮤니티 코드를 빠르게 알려드립니다.