comet chat

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Sep 1, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Do video call, chat and share your status  with friends and family using comet chat. Uses Firebase for authentication  and data storage. It makes use of ShimmerRecyclerView to display messages and images. Firebase real time database is used for storing data. Comet chat uses Firebase email authentication for signing in, registering and resetting password. This is a native android application developed using android studio and the source code is written in Java. It has been tested on various emulators and physical phones and has worked efficiently. The code consist of six activities with one for logging in,  resetting password, registering account, creating profile, the home page with names of registered account, chatting section. Take note that when registering your password should not be at least six and should include uppercase, lowercase and numbers. After creating account a message will be automatically sent to your email for verification of your email. Log into your email and confirm. The email verification message might be seen at your main inbox or spam. Until you confirm, you will not be able to log into your account.

1. Send messages to people registered on the application.
2. Share status by uploading images with your friends and family.
3. Delete your messages and status images.
4. Sign into the android application using Firebase email authentication.
5. Access your chats and messages on any android phone by login into the comet application using user email and password
6. Do video call with friends and family

File Tree

  • 📁 comet chat

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