사용자 정보

Taxi booking App Uber Clone

Uber Clone Is web bundled in a web hosting provider, but can be developed with android/ios Key Features ⦁ iOS & Android ⦁ Real world navigation ⦁ Calculate Travel time, Distance and Cost ⦁ Apple & Google maps for iOS & Android ⦁ Navigate between screens ⦁ Elegant Design Key Technologies

added by Ellle Vera

Flappy bird game

Design Details Node js, Reactjs, Javascript Requirements: Install the following in terminal npm install Process Details Go to the project folder and open in command prompt or terminal of VScode In the terminal type npm install (if node not installed ), cd Flappybird-react and npm start

added by Ellle Vera

Invoice generating App

InvoiceApp is developed using ReactJS, weserver-pack. It helps users to generate invoices . A user is able to create an invoice specifying the item , item quantity and price and also save the invoice and search for them too. It can save the contact information of consumers for later use. A user c

added by Ellle Vera


Lunar Pad game built in Three.js. Simple web based game engine built on three.js and typescript focused on third-person character controls and related gameplay mechanics. Design Node ( web) Typescript for web (web) THREE.js for rendering

added by Ellle Vera



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