사용자 정보
calculate permutation
You can use this code to calculate the permutation of desired expressions in your project. This work is mostly used for data collection and analysis. NOTE: For long expressions your computer may hang.
added by AliTaj1994
password generator
One good idea to use a password generator is to automatically generate strong passwords for website or software users to prevent users from creating weak passwords.
added by AliTaj1994
connect to pptp vpn
Connect to Linux server via ssh, Create pptp vpn settings file, Execute commands to run and stop VPN by ssh,
added by AliTaj1994
file downloader
To display the exact file extension, it is better to complete the ct_list variable in the code file to support all extensions (content-type). Example: ct_list = {"application/octet-stream": "apk"}
added by AliTaj1994
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IoT Hardware
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