Files Rearranger
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Files Rearranger

Files Rearranger Windows Application to rearrange a specific folder into sub folders by it s extension

added by WissamArdah1846

USB OTG File Manager

Its easy to copy files from any USB mass storage device to your Android Phone, Tablet but best USB OTG File Manager allows you to open and copy files from any USB mass storage device with a FAT32 or NTFS file system using the USB OTG port of your device, tablet or phone. Demo APK Features of Ap

added by mitumoradiya

JSON to CSV converter

JSON to CSV converter This is a command line tool to convert JSON files into CSV files.Due to the way JSONs can have nested contents and deep structures, the data here will be flattened out to a 2D matrix, which is what the CSV supports.Check the example files to see how the result looks.Being a com

added by TradeTech


指定サイズでファイルを分割・復元 ファイルを指定したサイズに分割および..

added by TIO

Pdf Creator
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Pdf Creator

Pdf Creator The application convert a text or image file to pdf format How to Use: Please refer to the UserManual.pdf

added by Clemich38

Zip File Maker
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Zip File Maker

Zip File Maker The application is made to zip several files into a zip archive, and can also unzip a zip archive. How to Use: Please refer to UserGuide.pdf

added by Clemich38


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