Movie App

- Easy to watch movie - Movie will be updated every week ( up to 15.000 ) - Can run on both Android and IOS - Its an easy and simple source code to understand, develop and maintain.

added by MingHieu

Material You React js Redux Toolkit

MUI v5 100% React hooks Redux Toolkit & React Context API Formik Form Hook ESLint & Prettier React Form Validation Formik + Yup Charts Animated Framer Motion Image Lazy Loading Easy to customize Private / Public routes (React router v6) Authentication (JWT ) Fully responsive, and works across all mo

added by Macintosh98

Market opinions Mobile App

Creative UI/UX design Surveies with different types of questions Collect users opinions Users earn money after answering each survey questions Earning Profile All transactions status Payments Multi-language and RTL Arabic OTP Mobile Phone Integration Push Notification integrated Different Settin

added by antonios042220

Ecommerce webiste

This is a role-based module where admin can perform each and every operation on data but the customer will be able to view only his/her data, so access level restrictions has also been implemented on the project. Features of product Module: Admin can manage the product Admin can

added by epropsol45939

Shopping Cart React Native PHP Laravel Admin Panel

Backend: We use Laravel (PHP Framework for Web Artisans) Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. The source code you can easily edit as desired.

added by EnziTeam3300

AJ Admin React Node Admin Panel

AJ Admin React Node Admin Panel AJ Admin - MERN Stack (Mongo,Express,React Node) AJ Admin is the complete solution for your next React Node Application. Latest Versions: React : 16.13.0 Express : 4.17.1 Mongoose: 5.9.4 React Redux : 7.2.0 Redux Saga : 1.1.3 Cors : 2.8.5 Bootstrap :

added by DevloperAp0990


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