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Detalhes do produto
Fast linters runner for Go
is a fast Go linters runner.
It runs linters in parallel, uses caching, supports YAML configuration, integrates with all major IDEs, and includes over a hundred linters.
Install golangci-lint
Documentation is hosted at https://golangci-lint.run.
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Supporting Us
is a free and open-source project built by volunteers.
If you value it, consider supporting us, we appreciate it! :heart:
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. How to contribute.
Core Team
About core team
The GolangCI Core Team is a group of contributors who have demonstrated a lasting enthusiasm for the project and community. The GolangCI Core Team has GitHub admin privileges on the repo. #### Responsibilities The Core Team has the following responsibilities: 1. Being available to answer high-level questions about vision and future. 2. Being available to review longstanding/forgotten pull requests. 3. Occasionally check issues, offer input, and categorize with GitHub issue labels. 4. Looking out for up-and-coming members of the GolangCI community who might want to serve as Core Team members. 5. Note that the Core Team – and all GolangCI contributors – are open-source volunteers; membership on the Core Team is expressly not an obligation. The Core Team is distinguished as leaders in the community and while they are a good group to turn to when someone needs an answer to a question, they are still volunteering their time, and may not be available to help immediately.Ludovic Fernandez |
Denis Isaev |
Aleksandr Razumov |