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Detalhes do produto
Wasmer is a blazing fast and secure WebAssembly runtime that enables incredibly lightweight containers to run anywhere: from Desktop to the Cloud, Edge and your browser.
- Secure by default. No file, network, or environment access, unless explicitly enabled.
- Pluggable. supports WASIX, WASI out of the box.
- Incredibly Fast. Run WebAssembly at near-native speeds.
- Embeddable anywhere via Wasmer SDKs
Install Wasmer
curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh
Other installation options (Powershell, Brew, Cargo, ...)
_Wasmer can be installed from various package managers. Choose the one that fits best for your environment:_ * Powershell (Windows) ```powershell iwr https://win.wasmer.io -useb | iex ``` - Homebrew (macOS, Linux) ```sh brew install wasmer ``` - Scoop (Windows) ```sh scoop install wasmer ``` - Chocolatey (Windows) ```sh choco install wasmer ``` - Cargo binstall ```sh cargo binstall wasmer-cli ``` - Cargo _Note: All the available features are described in the [`wasmer-cli` crate docs](https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/tree/main/lib/cli/README.md)_ ```sh cargo install wasmer-cli ``` > Looking for more installation options? See [the `wasmer-install` > repository](https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer-install) to learn > more!Note: You can also try Wasmer online in wasmer.sh
You can start by running Cowsay:
$ wasmer run cowsay "hello world"
< hello world >
\ ^__^
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(__)\ )\/\
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|| ||
There are many more available packages, such as
. Create your own package, or explore packages from the community: https://wasmer.io/explore
Here is what you can do next:
Wasmer SDK
You can use the Wasmer runtime embedded in different languages with the Wasmer SDK:
Language | Package | Documentation | |
Rust | wasmer Rust crate |
Learn | |
C | wasm.h header |
Learn | |
C++ | wasm.hh header |
Learn | |
C# | WasmerSharp NuGet package |
Learn | |
D | wasmer Dub package |
Learn | |
Zig | wasmer Zig package |
Learn | |
Python | wasmer PyPI package |
Learn | |
Javascript | @wasmerio NPM packages |
Learn | |
Go | wasmer Go package |
Learn | |
PHP | wasm PECL package |
Learn | |
Ruby | wasmer Ruby Gem |
Learn | |
Java | wasmer/wasmer-jni Bintray package |
Learn | |
R | no published package | Learn | |
Postgres | no published package | Learn | |
Swift | no published package | ||
Dart | wasm pub package |
Crystal | no published package | Learn | |
Lisp | no published package | ||
Julia | no published package | ||
V | no published package | ||
OCaml | wasmer OCaml package |
We have different guides to help you develop Wasmer:
We appreciate your help! 💜
We recommend reading the following guide on how to contribute into a complex project successfully: https://mitchellh.com/writing/contributing-to-complex-projects
Check our docs on how to build Wasmer from source or test your changes.
Wasmer has an amazing community of developers and contributors. Welcome, please join us! 👋
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