Food ordering and delivery system

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Mar 6, 2024

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Online Food Ordering and Delivery System

A complete online food ordering and delivery system using MERN stack. There are
three parts in the system such as customer, admin and food delivery systems from online
automatically after order completed. Customer can view foods as per their interest or categories or
searching food and can add to chart with flexible customize and then finally can order with details
information that required to delivery the food.

The online food ordering system sets up a food menu online and customers can easily place
the order as per they like. Also with a food menu, online customers can easily track the
orders. The management maintains customer database, improve food delivery service by
assign delivery man. The Restaurant management system motivates us to develop the
system. There are various facilities provided so that the users of the system will get service
effectively. Also, the system considers Restaurants to the customers. Again, the idea comes
that to be considered as the system will be designed to avoid users doing fatal errors, users
can change their own profile, track their food items, provide feedback and
recommendations and can give ratings.
The proposed system will provide the flexibility to the Customers/Users to order from
anywhere. It will also provide Recommendations to the customers the best food of rating
basis. It will provide real-time customers feedback and ratings along with the comments. It
gives appropriate feedback to users, so if there is any error happened, then there will be a
feedback dialog toward users.
The system/interface will take input from the user. The major attributes that will give
input to the dataset are: name, address, email-Id, mobile no, other personal related values,
etc. The output will include user/customer s Order, Bill, Feedback and Payment options.
The system is not only for user but also for provider who provides food service. This system
is for making efficient communication between consumer and producer of the food
system which will then leads to the ideal and effective system.

Online Food Ordering and Delivery System developed for e-commerce shop. It is
developed by using React.js, Node.js, Express.js and Mongo Database (MERN Stack).

Features include


Front page
Category page
Food Page
Add to cart
Order confirmation
Food rating and review
Rider rating and review
Customer Registration and login system
Customer dashboard
Customer profile
Profile details updating functionalities
Tracking orders


Admin login
Admin dashboard (Total overview of the website)
Customer messages and new order notification
Food management
Category management
Blog management
Total order list of customer
Showing total customers account and their orders
Showing total rider accounts with their details and total completing orders and
management of rider
Showing total admin account and details
Managing logged in admin account


Login rider account
Rider dashboard
Showing their deliverable orders
Rider profile
Profile details updating functionalities
Tracking orders

Features include


● Front page
● Category page
● Food Page
● Add to cart
● Order confirmation
● Food rating and review
● Rider rating and review
● Customer Registration and login system
● Customer dashboard
● Customer profile
● Profile details updating functionalities
● Tracking orders


● Admin login
● Admin dashboard (Total overview of the website)
● Customer messages and new order notification
● Food management
● Category management
● Blog management
● Total order list of customer
● Showing total customers account and their orders
● Showing total rider accounts with their details and total completing orders and 
management of rider
● Showing total admin account and details
● Managing logged-in admin account


● Login rider account
● Rider dashboard
● Showing their deliverable orders
● Rider profile
● Profile details updating functionalities
● Tracking orders

Árvore de arquivos

  • 📁 Food ordering and delivery system

Informações de preço

Estatísticas de preço

Maior preço
Preço médio
Menor preço
Previsão de preço de IA


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