Online School Result checker

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Sep 22, 2024

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**Key Features of the Online Student Result Checker**

The Online Student Result Checker platform offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored for both administrators and teachers. These features enhance the management of student information, results, and system settings in a secure and user-friendly environment.

### **Admin Features**

1. **Change and Edit School Name:**
- Admins can easily update the school name displayed on the platform, ensuring the branding is consistent and up-to-date across all areas of the system.

2. **Restrict Teacher Access:**
- Admins have the authority to control which sections or functionalities teachers can access. By setting role-based permissions, admins can limit teachers' access to sensitive data or certain features as needed.

3. **SMTP Settings:**
- The platform allows admins to configure SMTP settings for various email functionalities, including notifications for password resets and sending out generated reports. This ensures smooth communication and timely alerts for all users.

4. **Manage Teachers:**
- Admins can efficiently manage teacher profiles by adding, editing, or removing teachers from the platform. If necessary, admins also have the power to ban teachers from accessing the platform due to any misconduct or policy violations.

5. **Delete Students:**
- Only admins can delete students from the system, ensuring that critical actions like student removal are handled by authorized personnel. However, teachers are given the ability to add or edit student profiles.

6. **Manage Subjects:**
- Admins can add, modify, and update subject names, codes, and descriptions to reflect the school's curriculum. This allows for easy adaptation to changes in the academic program.

7. **Manage Classes & Combinations:**
- The platform provides admins with the flexibility to create and manage class sections and subject combinations based on the school s curriculum structure. This feature is especially useful in managing complex academic streams or programs.

8. **PIN-Protected Results:**
- Student results are safeguarded through a unique PIN system. To view their results, students must input their personal identification number (PIN), Roll ID, and select their class. This multilayered security ensures that only authorized individuals can access the results.

9. **View All Students:**
- Admins have complete access to view detailed information about all students across different classes. This includes the ability to check their academic performance, personal details, and other relevant data.

10. **Customization:**
- Admins can personalize the platform s interface to match the school s branding. This includes the ability to change the colors of the teacher's sidebar, navbar, and background for a cohesive, professional appearance.

### **Teacher Features**

1. **Manage Students:**
- Teachers are given the ability to add and edit student profiles. They can input important details like student names, roll numbers, assigned classes, and subjects. However, to maintain control over critical functions, only admins have the authority to delete students from the system.

2. **Manage Results:**
- Teachers can input and update student results for the subjects they teach. This includes the flexibility to input grades and performance data for various assessments, allowing students' academic progress to be tracked in real-time.

3. **View Classes:**
- Teachers can view the list of students in the classes they are assigned. They also have access to class-specific information such as student names, roll numbers, and subject assignments, streamlining classroom management.

4. **View & Download Student Results:**
- Students can securely log into the platform to view their results. They also have the option to download their result sheets in PDF format for personal records or printing purposes.


These features together create a robust, secure, and user-friendly system for schools to manage their academic records. By giving administrators full control over customization and access, while providing teachers with efficient tools for managing students and results, the Online Student Result Checker makes it easier for educational institutions to maintain and distribute performance data with minimal hassle. The platform s security measures, including PIN-protected results, further ensure that sensitive student information remains confidential and accessible only to authorized individuals.

Key Features
Admin Features
Change and Edit School Name: Admin can update and modify the school name displayed on the platform.
Restrict Teacher Access: Admin can control teacher access by setting permissions for various sections and functionalities.
SMTP Settings: Admin can add or edit SMTP configurations for email notifications, password resets, and report generation.
Manage Teachers: Admin can add, edit, and remove teachers from the system. Admin also has the ability to ban a teacher if needed.
Delete Students: Admin can delete students from the system, but only teachers have the permission to add or edit student profiles.
Manage Subjects: Admin can add and edit subject names, codes, and descriptions.
Manage Classes & Combinations: Admin can create and edit class sections and subject combinations based on the school's curriculum.
Pin-Protected Results: Student results are protected using a unique PIN, Roll ID, and class selection for added security.
View All Students: Admin has access to view the details and results of all students across different classes.
Customization: Admin can change the color of the teacher's sidebar, navbar, and background to match the school's branding.
Teacher Features
Manage Students: Teachers can add and edit student profiles, including details such as name, roll number, class, and subjects. However, they cannot delete students from the system.
Manage Results: Teachers can input and update student results for different subjects and classes.
View Classes: Teachers have access to view the list of students in their assigned classes and subjects.
student: view result , download result has pdf

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  • 📁 Online School Result checker

Instruções de instalação

### Installation Instructions

1. Upload the ZIP File:
- Upload the provided ZIP file to your server via FTP or your preferred method.

2. Extract the ZIP:
- Once the upload is complete, extract the contents of the ZIP file.

3. Move Files to the Main Directory:
- After extraction, move all files and folders into the root directory of your website (main directory).

4. Database Setup:
- Open your browser and navigate to your website’s URL followed by `/install`. For example:
- Follow the on-screen instructions to connect to your database and complete the setup.

5. Admin Login:
- Once the database setup is complete, you will be redirected to the admin login page.

6. Delete the Install Folder:
- For security purposes, delete the `/install` folder from your server after successful installation.

Instruções de alteração e adaptação

### Change and Adaptation Instructions

This software is built with PHP and is designed to be easy to customize by a developer. If you require any additional customizations or specific modifications, feel free to contact us for assistance.

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