fiverr clone by meshackrono
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An individual project to sharpen the skillset of MERN stack. I'm a big fan of MVC architecture and have been followed in this project. A well-written maintained, and sophisticated backend with models, controllers, middlewares, and other folders to make it easy to maintain and debug. The usage of middlewares makes it much more performant such as cors, compression, and optimizing the API response delivery. Also, usage of media management tools like Cloudinary to upload user profile pictures, Gig slider images, and cover images. As for the front end, the UI has only been built using JSX and Scss. For state management and error handling, hooks from the Tanstack library have been implemented. Lastly, react-router-dom for routing and private routes. Screens
1.Registration, login and gig organize forms
2.Homepage / Landing Page with sliding menu
3.Gigs page with all categories
4.Gig description
5.Gig management
6.Payments page with Stripe integration
7.Message page with one-to-one chat with seller and buyer
8.Single gig page
9.Gig search
10.Image uploading via cloudinary, a media management
rocket Seller Features
1.Chat with buyers
2.Create new gigs and
3.Only the seller's gig can be deleted
4.Gigs can be reviewed by buyers based on comment and stars
rocket User Features
1.Chat with seller
2.Filter and sort gigs for range of price
3.My Orders Section for details of all gigs bought
4. Can review gig and give stars
5.Order securely with Stripe
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📁 fiverr clone by meshackrono