ChatMe Simply Chat Encryption Messaging Flutter App with GetX API Backend Google Admob
Public chat
Product Details
Update Version 1.1.9
Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.7, Dart v. 2.19.4, Flutter Code Revised, Improve Performance
APK Installer:
ChatMe is simply messaging Flutter. Integrated with Firebase Authentication, FireStore, Storage, Backend Restful API PHP+MySQL CI (code igniter). Integrated with GetX Flutter Plugins:
Almost 99% is Stateless
Lite, Smooth, Compact n Running Well Both on Android & iOS.
Ready to Publish & Monetize with AdMob Google. (Freemium Apps)
Youtube Demo:
Flutter v.3.7.7 Ready (null safety)
Main Features:
1. Compatible with Flutter the latest version
2. End-To-End Encryption (Single Chat) - One-to-One Chat
3. OnBoard Screen (IntroPage)
4. Sign Up with FullName,
Email & Password
5. Sign In with Email & Password.
6. Invite Friend with Email Registered Invitation, Accept or Reject.
7. Had 4 Tabs (Chat, Friend, Explore & Setting)
8. Tab Chat contains All your friends, auto sorting the latest
on the top and also search your message friend by Nickname.
9. Tab Friend, list of your accepted Friends, icon image clickable to display your picture friend.
10. Tab Explore, list of all registered email ChatMe users. Swipe to Left to show
more menu row list.
11. Tab Setting, update Profile, Share, Feedback and also ChatMe latest version.
12. Chat Screen had capabilities for text, emoji and image and also clear all recent messages and has an icon message delivered (double checked).
13. Profile update your AboutMe, Nickname, Photo Profile and also Change your password.
14. At the top of screen always show Icon User+, for invitation new Email Registered Friend.
15. Only accepted friend can do Chat. (Personal Chat)
Fastest chat messaging with Firebase Backend System.
17. AdMob Google Integrated.
18. Notification Integrated
19. Running well both on Android & iOS
Flutter Framework v.3.7.7, running well both Android & iOS with API Restful JSON, PHP 7, MySQL, Code Igniter.
Save 1000+ development hours.
1. Flutter Framework.
2. Visual Studio Code
3. Code Igniter.
4. Php 7
5. MySQL
6. PhpMyAdmin
7. Domain Hosting Server Backend with SSL Support
8. Read the documentation
9. A Brain to think :)
Support Email:
“We do not offer refund, please check and double cross check all details apps before buy.”
Mar, 18, 2023
- Update v. 1.1.9
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.7
- Dart v. 2.19.4
- Improve Flutter Code
- Documentation revised
- Improve Performance
Aug, 31, 2022
- Update v. 1.1.8
- Compatible with Flutter v.3.3x
- Dart v. 2.18.0
- Improve Flutter Code
- Documentation revised
- Improve Performance
Apr, 06, 2022
- Update v. 1.1.7
- Compatible with Flutter v.2.10x
- Improve Flutter Code
- Documentation revised
- Improve Performance
Feb, 01, 2002
- Update v. 115
- Compatible with Flutter v.2.8
- Flutter Code Revised
- Improve Performance
Dec, 6, 2021
Update version 1.1.4
- Upgrade lib plugin firebase, admob
- Flutter engine v. 2.4x
- Improvement Performance
May 18, 2021
Update version 1.1.3
- Flutter 2 Ready (null safety)
- Improvement Performance
Main Features:
1. Flutter 3 Ready (sound null safety)
2. End-To-End Encryption (Single Chat) - One-to-One Chat
3. OnBoard Screen (IntroPage)
4. Sign Up with FullName, Email & Password
5. Sign In with Email & Password.
6. Invite Friend with Email Registered Invitation, Accept or Reject.
7. Had 4 Tabs (Chat, Friend, Explore & Setting)
8. Tab Chat contains All your friends, auto sorting the latest on the top and also search your message friend by Nickname.
9. Tab Friend, list of your accepted Friends, icon image clickable to display your picture friend.
10. Tab Explore, list of all registered email ChatMe users. Swipe to Left to show more menu row list.
11. Tab Setting, update Profile, Share, Feedback and also ChatMe latest version.
12. Chat Screen had capabilities for text, emoji and image and also clear all recent messages and has an icon message delivered (double checked).
13. Profile update your AboutMe, Nickname, Photo Profile and also Change your password.
14. At the top of screen always show Icon User+, for invitation new Email Registered Friend.
15. Only accepted friend can do Chat. (Personal Chat)
16. Fastest chat delivery with Firebase Backend System.
17. AdMob Google Integrated.
18. Notification Integrated
19. Running well both on Android & iOS
File Tree
📁 ChatMe Simply Chat Encryption Messaging Flutter App with GetX API Backend Google Admob