Inventory System With Point Of Sale And Purchase

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Apr 6, 2020

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The OSW-INVENTORY system allows you to register PRODUCTS which are classified with CATEGORIES and SUB-CATEGORIES. In the purchase or sale processes, the products in the stock will be added or subtracted.
Each PURCHASE and SALE process can be viewed in detail in the KARDEX and REPORTS modules, which allow filtering by date and status ranges the invoices found.
In addition there is also the possibility of controlling EXPENSES REPORTS by date ranges.


El sistema de inventario con facturación, permite registrar PRODUCTOS los cuales son clasificados con CATEGORÍAS y SUB-CATEGORÍAS. En los procesos de compra o venta se añadirán o restaran los productos del stock.
Cada proceso de COMPRA y VENTA, puede ser visualizado detalladamente en los módulos KARDEX y REPORTES, los cuales permiten filtrar por rangos de fecha y status las facturas encontradas.
Adicionalmente también existe la posibilidad de controlar reportes de GASTOS por rangos de fecha.


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  • Documentation file included
  • Export in PDF and CSV : Product, Kardex, Sales, Purchases, Expenses
  • General configuration: Logo, name, code, email, tax, language, etc
  • Supports multi languages (English, Spanish)
  • Users Management
  • Create infinite users and roles
  • Access via Login/Register features;
  • Reports – (for admins and managers only);
  • Manage Settings(Information, users, rols, taxs, permissions for rols)
  • invoices (Print in PDF and Show)
  • Module products (Create, Update, Delete)
  • Module Categories (Create, Update, Delete)
  • Module Sub categories (Create, Update, Delete)
  • Module Expenses(Create, Update, Delete)
  • Module Kardex(Show movements of system)
  • Module Expenses(Create, Update, Delete)
  • Module Sales(Generate, Invoice PDF, List PDF and CSV, 3 Status Validation: pending, rejected, approved)
  • Module Purchases(Generate, Invoice PDF, List PDF and CSV, 3 Status Validation: pending, rejected, approved)
  • Module Customers(Create, Update, Delete, List PDF and CSV)
  • Module Suppliers(Create, Update, Delete, List PDF and CSV)
  • Bootstrap 3 desing
  • Migrations system (to generate database with laravel)
  • 100% Responsive


  • Laravel 6.17.1
  • >= PHP 7.2
  • >= MYSQL 5.x
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Ajax
  • Json
  • JQuery
  • Css 3

Inventory System With Point Of Sale And Purchase ENGLISHThe OSW-INVENTORY system allows you to register PRODUCTS which are classified with CATEGORIES and SUB-CATEGORIES. In the purchase or sale processes, the products in the stock will be added or subtracted. Each PURCHASE and SALE process can be viewed in detail in the KARDEX and REPORTS modules, which allow filtering by date and status ranges the invoices found. In addition there is also the possibility of controlling EXPENSES REPORTS by date ranges.

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