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Product Details

  1. Open or Import Project

  2. Project Structure

  3. Reskin Project Images

  4. Update Package Name

  5. Firebase Push Notification

  6. Change Application Id

  7. Facebook Ad Integration Setup

  8. Step new exercise add or Edit

  9. Setting Changes

1) Open or Import Project - top

Open android studio and select the option highlighted below

Browse to the Project Main Directory.

2) Project Structure - top

On the Left top side, select Android from the menu once the Android Studio completes updating necessary files.

3) Reskin Project Images - top

To change and update the icons, select the drawable folder and right click on it.and then select Show in Explorer

There are two types of Folder

1. Mipmap (hdpi, mdpi,......, xxxhdpi)

Updates the icon inside the mipmap to change main application launcher icon.

2. Drawales (hdpi, mdpi,......, xxxhdpi)

Updates the drawables icon which will affect inside the applications.

4) Update Package Name - top

To change package name, select the Settings option aligned to Android option from the top left side of the android studio.

Uncheck the Compact Middle Packages. Then you can move files to inner or outer directory as well as rename the directory by selecting Rename from Refcator option shown in below picture.

5) Firebase Push Notification - top

1) First of fall create project on firebase console and submit your package name with project

2) Then download google-service.json file and add google-service.json file find in app folder and paste your google-service.json file.

3) Now fire your custom notification in firebase cloud messeging.

6) Change Application Id - top

To change Application Id find whole project by click double shift and enter build.gradle file. com.demo to com.demo.secinddemo like your application id.

7) Facebook Ad Integration Setup - top

Facebook audience network in sign up account. Now we can get placement id for our display ad.

Create a new placement

1) Go to Monetization Manager.

2) Find and select the property where you want to create an ad placement. Click , then Manage Property.

3) Select the Ad Space, then click + Create placement. Or, you can create a placement from your platform overview by clicking , then Create placement.

4) Name the placement and choose the Ad Space. Then, select the ad Display format. Learn more about ad formats.

5) Click Create placement to finish. Then copy placement id from Monetization Manager.

6) Now change your placement id below picture .

Google Admob ad

7) You can change your google admob id below picture.

8) Step new exercise add or Edit - top

1) Open your database file from app -> res - > assest folder.

2) ArmWorkout.db file open in sqlite database software and connect your database.

3) Now you can change your exercise or add your exercise in follow below picture.

Above picture on follow step.

1 -> Click on ExerciseTable

2 -> Click on + symbol for add new data

3 -> fill up data

4 -> when your finish fill up data then click done .

Now must be change database version 0 query. as you can see below picture.

query : PRAGMA user_version = 0

9) Setting Changes - top

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