Warehouse Management System WMS V1 3

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Ali Omar
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Jun 28, 2020

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Product Details

MYWAREHOUSE is the ultimate solution for managing all tasks related to Warehouses. It is a PHP based script that is designed specifically to cater to the needs of warehouses of all sizes. The script is easy to install and operate, making it an ideal choice for both small and large warehouses.

With MYWAREHOUSE, users can manage multiple warehouses, multi-users, and different types of users with various access levels and permissions. This ensures that every user has access to the necessary features and tasks required for their specific job role.

The Warehouse General Management feature allows users to manage their entire warehouse operation, from product management to stock and inventory management. The script also includes Category Management, which allows users to organize their products by category, making it easier to manage and find products.

Transfers between Warehouses, Purchasing Orders, Goods Receptions, Orders Tracking, Transfers Tracking, Deliveries, and Deliveries Tracking are some of the many features that are available in MYWAREHOUSE. The script also includes a Suppliers Management feature that allows users to manage their suppliers, as well as a Customers Management feature to manage their customers.

MYWAREHOUSE also includes a Stock Returns feature, which enables users to manage stock returns and refunds with ease. The Warehouse Reports feature generates reports with graphic charts, providing users with a comprehensive overview of their warehouse operations. The Product Reports feature provides detailed reports on individual products, while Order Reports and Delivery Reports provide insights into order and delivery trends.

With MYWAREHOUSE, users can also monitor Best Delivering Products and Most Purchasing Products with graphic charts, making it easier to make informed business decisions. The script includes User Types and Privileges, allowing users to assign different roles and permissions to employees based on their job responsibilities.

In conclusion, MYWAREHOUSE is the ideal solution for managing all tasks related to Warehouses. With its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and graphic reporting, it streamlines warehouse operations, improves efficiency, and maximizes profits. Don’t wait any longer, get MYWAREHOUSE today and take your warehouse operations to the next level! Warehouse Management System WMS MYWAREHOUSE is a PHP based Script that manage all tasks in Warehouses. This script includes the following tasks :
Warehouse General Management
User Access and Permissions for Warehouses
User Access and Permission for modules in the same Warehouse
User Types Privileges (Admin, Manager, Stock Manager, Stock Agent, ...)
Product Management
Stock Inventory Management
Category Management
Transfers between Warehouses
Purchasing Orders
Goods Receptions
Orders Tracking
Transfers Tracking
Deliveries Tracking
Goods Reception Tracking
Suppliers Management
Customers Management
Stock Returns
Warehouse Reports with Graphic Charts
Product Reports with Graphic Charts
Order Reports with Graphic Charts
Delivery Reports Graphic with Charts
Best Delivering Products with Graphic Charts
Most Purchasing Products with Graphic Charts
Company Settings
Warehouse Settings
 ... and more other tasks
Requirements :
PHP 5.4 or more
MySQL 5.5 or more
Web Server
Demo :
You can test the script here: http://mywarehouse.demos-dev.com

- Admin :
Email  : admin mywarehouse.com
Password : admin
- User :
Email  : johnd mywarehouse.com
Password : johnd
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  • 📁 Warehouse Management System WMS V1 3

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