bussiness product reprensting website
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Product Details
on this website shops or company can create their own store with their subdomains
each subdomains contains products of the particular company with information about price and location etc
all managed buy a flexible and responsive admin panel when he can manage permission rules,products,and data in database easily
using very secure
authentication system the website had simple and intuitive UX
responsive and attractive design
please check the .docx file to for more technical details
bussiness product reprensting website on this website shops or company can create their own store with their subdomains
each subdomains will represent the product that company sell
all managed buy a flexible and responsive admin panel when he can manage permission rules,products,and data in database all in secure way usingvery secure
authentication system the website had simple and intuitive UX responsive and attractive design design please see the .docx file to knowmore about how to deploy it and technical
File Tree
📁 bussiness product reprensting website