Web Application for CRUD Employee Management

- Add New Employees: Form-based interface for entering new employee details, including name, position, department, and contact information. - View Employee List: Display a searchable and sortable list of all employees. Employee Details: View detailed profiles of individual employees, including thei

added by John Nguyen

Manuscript Peer Review System Streamline the Peer Review Process for Scholarly Manuscripts

Key Features: • Different Editorial Categories • Reviewer Based on Specialization • Double-Blind Review Applied • Efficient Submission Management • Seamless Reviewer Assignment • Preliminary Desk Checks • Revision Management Workflow • Effective Editorial Decision • Automated Notif

Clean Admin Powerful and Scalable Administration Panel for Web Application

Technical Features Implemented: • Serilog for Logging • Fluent for Server Side Validation • jQuery for Client Side Validation • In-memory Caching • Server Side Paging • Exception Handling and Logging • IHttpClientFactory to Consume API • Polly to Express Fault Policy • JWT Authentication fo


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