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Detalles del producto
Cloudbox is an Ansible-based solution for rapidly deploying a Docker containerized cloud media server.
This project was designed for x64 machines running Ubuntu Server 18.04 with limited support for other Debian distributions.
Please refer to the for detailed information on system requirements, installation, and configuration.
Featured Applications:
- Plex
- Emby
- Sonarr
- Radarr
- Lidarr
- NZBGet
- ruTorrent
- Tautulli (PlexPy)
- NZBHydra2
- Jackett
- Ombi
- Plex Requests
- Plex Autoscan
- Cloudplow
- Organizr
- Portainer
- Traktarr
- Plex Dupefinder
- Plex Patrol
- and more...
If you find this project helpful, feel free to make a small donation to the developers.