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Detalles del producto

Free universal database tool and SQL client

Twitter URL Codacy Badge Apache 2.0


Free multi-platform database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators and analysts.
Supports any database which has JDBC driver (which basically means - ANY database). Commercial versions also support non-JDBC datasources such as MongoDB, Cassandra, Couchbase, Redis, BigTable, ScyllaDB, DynamoDB, etc. You can find the list of all databases supported in commercial versions here.

  • Has a lot of features including metadata editor, SQL editor, rich data editor, ERD, data export/import/migration, SQL execution plans, etc.
  • Based on Eclipse platform.
  • Uses plugins architecture and provides additional functionality for the following databases: MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Greenplum, Oracle, IBM Db2, Exasol, SQL Server, Sybase/SAP ASE, SQLite, Firebird, H2, HSQLDB, Derby, Teradata, Vertica, Netezza, Informix, etc.


You can download prebuilt binaries from official website or directly from GitHub releases.
You can also download Early Access version. We publish daily.


Just run an installer (or unzip an archive) and run dbeaver.

Note: DBeaver needs Java to run. Open JDK 17 is included in all DBeaver distributions. You can change default JDK version by replacing directory jre in dbeaver installation folder.


Build from sources

See this article.


Contribution: help the Beaver!

Hooray, we have reached 35k+ stars on GitHub and continue to grow!
That's really cool, and we are glad that you like DBeaver.

  • We are actively looking for new source code contributors. We have added labels “Good first issue” and “Help wanted” to some tickets. If you want to be a part of our development team, just be brave and take a ticket.
  • You can buy one of our commercial versions. They include NoSQL databases support, additional extensions, and official online support. Also, licensed users have priorities in bug fixes and the development of new features.

Thank you!

DBeaver is a desktop client.
If you are looking for a web-based database management tool - check our new product: CloudBeaver.
It is based on DBeaver platform and thus supports any database and most of DBeaver features.


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