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Detalles del producto

Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView

iView Admin

Vue.js 2.0 admin management system template based on iView.

vue iview ui [npm]()


iView Admin is a front-end management background integration solution. It based on Vue.js and use the UI Toolkit iView.



  • Login / Logout
  • Permission Authentication
    • A list of filters
    • Permission to switch
  • i18n
  • Components
    • Rich Text Editor
    • Markdown Editor
    • City Cascader
    • Photos preview and edit
    • Draggable list
    • File upload
    • Digital gradient
    • split-pane
  • Form
    • The article published
    • Workflow
  • Table
    • Drag-and-drop sort
    • Searchable form
    • Table export data
      • Export to Csv file
      • Export to Xls file
    • Table to picture
  • Error Page
    • 403
    • 404
    • 500
  • Router
    • Dynamic routing
    • With reference page
  • Theme
  • Shrink the sidebar
  • Tag navigation
  • Breadcrumb navigation
  • Full screen / exit full screen
  • Lock screen
  • The message center
  • Personal center

Getting started

# clone the project
git clone https://github.com/iview/iview-admin.git

// install dependencies
npm install

// develop
npm run dev


npm run build



Copyright (c) 2016-present, TalkingData


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