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Detalles del producto

Mina is a new cryptocurrency with a constant size blockchain, improving scaling while maintaining decentralization and security.


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Mina is the first cryptocurrency with a lightweight, constant-sized blockchain. This is the main source code repository for the Mina project and contains code for the OCaml protocol implementation, the Mina Protocol website, and wallet. Enjoy!


Mina is still under active development and APIs are evolving. If you build on the APIs, be aware that breaking changes can occur.

The Mina implementation of the Rosetta API offers a more stable and useful interface for retrieving the blockchain's state. Rosetta is run as a separate process and it relies on an archive being connected to a node. The source code for the archive and Rosetta implementation are in src/app/archive and src/app/rosetta. Be sure to follow updates in the project if these resources are relocated.

What is Mina?

Mina Walkthrough

Technical Papers



For information on how to make technical and non-technical contributions, see the repository contributing guidelines in CONTRIBUTING and the Contributing Guide docs.


The Node Developers docs contain helpful information about contributing code to Mina and using Mina APIs to build applications.

Quick Links


  • Join the public Mina Protocol Discord server. Please come by if you need help or have any questions.
  • Participate in our online communities.
  • Get the latest updates by signing up for the Mina newsletter. Select SIGN UP FOR NEWSLETTER on the home page of the Mina Protocol website.


Apache 2.0

Commits older than 2018-10-03 do not have a LICENSE file or this notice, but are distributed under the same terms.

[^1]: Develop is a mainline branch containing code that may be not compatible with current mainnet and may require major upgrade (hardfork). [^2]: Compatible is a mainline branch containing code which does not need hardfork in order to apply it to mainnet. [^3]: Branch which contains current mainnet code.

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