I want Source code of Sportsbook website casino

Budget : na

Type of source code :


Goals and context :

I want Source code of Sportsbook website + casino like this https://1win.pro/ without payments method because it is for learning or just bitcoin for learning blockchain or a similar like this using javascript and mern stack or next js or typescript react mongo db node js i could not find similar in this huge company piecex .

Usage :

I want learn mern stack by building only this project real world project . I want Source code of Sportsbook website + casino like this https://1win.pro/ without payments method because it is for learning or just bitcoin for learning blockchain or a similar like this using javascript and mern stack or next js or typescript react mongo db node js i could not find similar in this huge company piecex .

Desired features :


Features Details :

I want Source code of Sportsbook website + casino like this https://1win.pro/ without payments method because it is for learning or just bitcoin for learning blockchain or a similar like this using javascript and mern stack or next js or typescript react mongo db node js i could not find similar in this huge company piecex .

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