News website

Budget : na

Type of source code :

API, Website

Goals and context :

The objective of this assignment is to integrate an external API to fetch and display real-time news headlines on a news website. This task will assess your ability to work with external APIs, handle data responses, and seamlessly integrate the functionality into a sample news website. API Documentation: - API Provider: News API - API Documentation: [News API Documentation](

Usage :

1. Frontend Integration: - Create a new section on the homepage of the news website to display the latest headlines. - Display at least 5 headlines along with the article source and publication date. 2. Backend Integration (Optional): - If your application has a backend, create a route to fetch news headlines from the News API. - Cache the responses to reduce the number of API calls. 3. Error Handling: - Implement error handling for cases where the API request fails. - Display a user-friendly message if there are issues fetching the headlines.

Desired features :

User Interface

Features Details :

1. Frontend Integration: - Create a new section on the homepage of the news website to display the latest headlines. - Display at least 5 headlines along with the article source and publication date. 2. Backend Integration (Optional): - If your application has a backend, create a route to fetch news headlines from the News API. - Cache the responses to reduce the number of API calls. 3. Error Handling: - Implement error handling for cases where the API request fails. - Display a user-friendly message if there are issues fetching the headlines.

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