Discord botlist

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inspectedProducto inspeccionado por PieceX


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Sep 14, 2024

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Detalles del producto

We are selling Source Code of a discord botlist with features like: add bot, edit bot, home page, voting, comments, invite, api request, login, long description, vanity link and more.

This list has a POST endpoint for bot build counts, and is supported by the BotBlock guild count API. Using the BotBlock API call allows bot developers to make a single POST call to send their bot guild count to all lists supported by BotBlock.

If not using the BotBlock API, the direct list endpoint is https://api.bhlist.co.in/post/stats and expects the server_count to be set with the bot guild count.

In addition to the main field for the guild count, this list also provides the following support for shard-specific fields:

  • shard_id: No

  • shard_count: Yes, as shard_count

  • shards: No

This list has API docs covering their specific endpoints available to access at https://docs.bhlist.co.in/.

This list provides an API endpoint to fetch information about bots published on the list, and is supported as part of the BotBlock bot information API endpoint. The direct list endpoint is https://api.bhlist.co.in/bots/:id.

Additionally, the following URLs are known for this list:

  • Viewing a bot on the list: https://bhlist.co.in/bots/:id

  • Accessing a widget for a bot: https://bhlist.co.in/bots/:id/embed

features like: add bot, edit bot, home page, voting, comments, invite, api request, login, long description, vanity link and more.

File Tree

  • 📁 Discord botlist

Instrucciones de instalación

We will help you completely deploy this to system.
We will help you host both backend and frontend on your hosting platforms.

Instrucciones de cambio y adaptación

Its easy to make changes anyone with basic knowledge of JS and Html css too can make changes.
Also we will also help you in changes but for charges.

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