Dynamic Portfolio Website

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Feb 9, 2022

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*sorry if the video is slow, it's not because of the web but because the video recorder is not good.

Web Test: http://landingpagetest.epizy.com

Admin Test: http://landingpagetest.epizy.com/admin

Username: yura2022

pass: asajaku339

"Dynamic Portfolio Website" is a website landing page as well as a web app to make changes to almost all the information that appears on landing pages or portfolios.

This web app is built on the PHP framework, namely CodeIgniter 4, Materialize CSS for CSS and also jQuery for JS and several small libraries as support.

This sales package includes the Landing Pages website and also the admin panel section which functions to change the information that appears on the page.

many things can be changed in the admin panel such as personal data, service packages, portfolios, skills and others that often appear on web portfolios or landing pages.

* Responsive web (either website or Admin panel)
*attractive appearance, smooth and mobile friendly compared to bootstrap4 (Using basic Material design principles)
*Can change all the information that appears on the portfolio page
*add images to portfolio
*minimize the size of the uploaded image
*added youtube video link to portfolio
*services, skills, education, address that can be changed
*changeable social media accounts

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  • 📁 Dynamic Portfolio Website

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