Laravel Store

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inspectedProducto inspeccionado por PieceX


Fahed Aljghine
Solicitar muestra Enviar mensaje

Oct 13, 2020

Hablar con el vendedor

Detalles del producto

A simple online store built
using Laravel, Bootstrap. It can be used for all kinds of professions, stores
and products. It helps you start the e-commerce process quickly, easily and at
light costs. It achieves quick access to your customers with a dynamic control
panel that allows you to amend and update the website content of brands,
classifications and products easily and efficiently. It also gives you the
possibility Control the quantity of products in the warehouse and financial
reports that give you an overview of the work with electronic payment that
facilitates work and a system of notifications and mail messages

Laravel Store
A simple online store built
using Laravel, Bootstrap. It also gives you the
possibility Control the quantity of products in the warehouse and financial
reports that give you an overview of the work with electronic payment that
facilitates work and a system of notifications and mail messages.

File Tree

  • 📁 Laravel Store

Estadísticas de precios

Estadísticas de precios

Precio máximo
Precio promedio
Precio mínimo
Pronóstico de precios IA

Vista previa

Vista previa limitada

El producto real contiene todos los archivos y el completo código fuente

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