linux employ

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Apr 7, 2020

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Detalles del producto

This program is for every person who owns a delivery and transportation
company, and it can be linked between it and the Android application, and it
just needs some simple modifications in the code, which is a simple, simple
idea for a desktop computer that can be linked to Database and can also be
linked to an Android application And can benefit from the program by using
the same code in other projects It is just an experience, if successful, I
will issue better updates This version is a trial version of a program
that will be uploaded soon.

linux employ

This program is for every person who owns a delivery and transportation
company, and it can be linked between it and the Android application, and it
just needs some simple modifications in the code, which is a simple, simple
idea for a desktop computer that can be linked to Database and can also be
linked to an Android application And can benefit from the program by using
the same code in other projects It is just an experience, if successful, I
will issue better updates This version is a trial version of a program
that will be uploaded soon.

File Tree

  • 📁 linux employ

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