User Information

Mail hunter chrome extension

Key Features: Email Extraction: Capture emails from any website with a single click. Unlimited Email Captures: Available with the Pro plan for business users. Stripe Integration: Easy and secure payment for Pro plan upgrades. Advanced Technology: Fast and efficient extraction using cutting-edge

added by Polarsoft

Edtech Course Selling Website Next js

Key Features Teacher Mode Upload Courses: Teachers can easily upload their courses, set pricing, and manage course content. Unlimited Document Uploads: Upload an unlimited number of documents related to each course, providing comprehensive learning materials for students. Publish Articles: Teach

added by Polarsoft

AI Marketing tool

Create Comprehensive Marketing Plans & Promotions Craft Engaging Social Media Content Produce Detailed Blog Posts Perform SEO Keyword Research Refine Brand Messaging Execute Effective Email Marketing Build Dynamic Marketing Funnels Optimize Product Descriptions

added by Polarsoft


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