Fruit Tile Match Unity Puzzle Game For Kids

- Multiplatform support (PC, WebGL, android, iOS...) - Easy to reskin - Ready for release - Compatible for Android, iOS, WebGL, PC, linux and many other platforms supported by Unity

added by Unity Games

Quiz Galaxy

- sign in with email/password or anonymous, using auth.js, zod, and formik - multi-lingual support (English and Romanian) - dark mode & light mode support - postgresql database mangement with typeorm - state management with zustand - responsive layout

added by Pasca Ionut

Online Examination Management System

WYSIWYG Editor The WYSIWYG editor allows the admin to manipulate the question and description. Question Palette Students can browse questions via the questions navigation panel. This allows the user to skip the current question and view answered or unanswered questions. Exam Timer The exam

added by Einn Hann

React Native Quiz App

User can create a simple profile, by choosing an avatar and a pseudo name Plenty of quizzes and levels organized in a Quiz Map screen Multiple quiz question types including: text, image and image with hints types. Provide a Store screen to buy resources by either using digital coins or watch rewa

added by mouadste34311

iCoinic Quiz App for Multiple Choice Quiz Challenge

- Built entirely with SwiftUI - Supports iOS 16 and above - MVVM Architecture - Combine Framework - Async-await for structured concurrency - Custom UI Components - Generic/ Reusable Components - User defaults capability - Responsive UI


added by abedghal023826

Online Quiz Management System

- Friendly user interface - Admin dashboard Allows system admins to easily manage and coordinate the overall system operations. - Teacher dashboard Allows teachers to easily create and manage quizzes and sessions, and coordinate student results. - Student interface Allows

added by Eng Alas

Brain game Quiz game Picture games

1 Guess the color 2 Memory test by memorizing pictures 3 general knowledge quiz test on each and every level you get a new different level of changes for your mind to take the advantages of this game app.Each level in this brain quiz game is unique, original and creative designed to push your

added by roshanlila

Online Classes And Examinations In CodeIgniter

This Online Classes Examinations has admin panel and student panel. DASHBOARD: Full featured dashboard.

added by nitinkoshta

DailyQuizzes iOS Completed template

Completed and working app template with Two Quizzes: Introduction screen with greeting label and start buttons Four questions: 3 with single answer buttons, 1 for multiple answers Ten questions: 8 with single answer buttons, 1 for multiple answers, 1 for ranged answer Display progress for both Resul

added by ViktorGolubenkov

Quiz Management System In Python Django

Django is strong famous python based- frame work used to built desktop applications. You only need to open your code in Pycharm and it will automatically give you an option to install particular requirements to run the code.In the terminal run the following commands.Python manage.py migratepython ma

added by ahmed004

Vina Online Exam System PHP Script

- Vina Online Exam System is a web script which written by CodeIgniter framework, use MySQL for storing all related data. - It uses Twitter bootstrap v3.x for enhancing GUI and supporting responsive design and JQuery AJAX to interact with backend.

added by H ngNguy nTh 7

MCQ Quiz App Multiple Choice Questions

User can practice for quiz and after that user can create their quiz by passing number of questions and amount of time require. After completion of quiz user can see their score and also review the quiz question and answer.

added by vminfoway

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