ChatMe Simply Chat Encryption Messaging Flutter App with GetX API Backend Google Admob
Main Features: 1. Flutter 3 Ready (sound null safety) 2. End-To-End Encryption (Single Chat) - One-to-One Chat 3. OnBoard Screen (IntroPage) 4. Sign Up with FullName, Email & Password 5. Sign In with Email & Password. 6. Invite Friend with Email Registered Invitation, Accept or Reject. 7. Had
added by erhacorpdotcom
Socket io Chat Server
delivered messages acknowledge 4. last seen status ( show/don t show - when was your last seen ).5. online status ( show/don t show - if you are online ).6. saved ( send acknowledge when the receiver saved the message ).7. seen ( send acknowledge when the receiver has seen the message ).8. i
added by WissamArdah1846