Quiz Galaxy

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Quiz Game Application Source Code Product

Are you looking for a comprehensive solution for creating and managing quiz games? Look no further! Our Quiz Game Application Source Code Product is the perfect choice for developers and businesses seeking a robust and customizable quiz gaming platform.

Value Proposition:

Our source code product offers a full-fledged application written in NextJS 14+ and React (^18) that can be seamlessly integrated into any browser-based project. With over 3000 questions spanning across 100 topics, users can enjoy engaging quiz experiences and compete for the top spot on the leaderboard. The application supports two gaming styles - endurance and quest, providing flexibility and variety for players.


  • Sign in with email/password or anonymous using auth.js, zod, and formik

  • Multi-lingual support for English and Romanian

  • Dark mode & light mode support for personalized user experiences

  • PostgreSQL database management with TypeORM for efficient data storage

  • State management with Zustand for seamless application performance

  • Responsive layout for optimal viewing on various devices

Customization Options:

Our plugin widget is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor the quiz gaming experience to their specific requirements. Some of the customizable options include:

  • Seconds allowed per question

  • Maximum number of power-ups

  • Maximum number of lives for each user

Additional Benefits:

Developers can override CSS classes and icons used in the project, enabling them to achieve a unique and branded look for their quiz game application. The source code product is designed to be user-friendly and easily adaptable to meet diverse project needs.


With our Quiz Game Application Source Code Product, you can create engaging quiz games with ease and offer an interactive and entertaining experience for your users. Whether you are a developer looking to enhance your project or a business seeking a ready-to-use quiz gaming solution, our source code product is the ideal choice. Get started today and unlock the potential of quiz gaming applications!

- sign in with email/password or anonymous, using auth.js, zod, and formik
- multi-lingual support (English and Romanian)
- dark mode & light mode support
- postgresql database mangement with typeorm
- state management with zustand
- responsive layout

Installation Instructions

If you want to run the NextJS project:

- Node.js installed on your machine
- Yarn installed on your machine (or npm)
- You need to have access to a PostgreSQL database (you can use ElephantSQL, or Render, which has a free tier)

1. Create a .env file in the root of the project, copy the content from the .env.example file and fill in the values
2. After you have the .env file, you can run the following commands inside a terminal in the root of the project:
npm install (or yarn install)
3. After the installation is done, you need to add the initial data to the database. You can do this by running the following command:
npm run typeorm:migrate (or yarn typeorm:migrate)
4. After the migration is done, you can run the project by running the following command:
npm run dev (or yarn dev)

If you want to run the react only project:
- Node.js installed on your machine
- Yarn installed on your machine (or npm)
- open a terminal inside the react project and run the following command:
npm run dev (or yarn dev)

If you want to use the pluggable widget:
The Quiz Galaxy widget is a single file that can be imported into any project that runs inside a browser. It is a standalone widget that contains all the functionalities of the quiz game and it is highly customizable.
You don't need to have anything installed on your machine to use the Quiz Galaxy widget. You can use it by importing it into any of your projects that run inside a browser. You can even import it into a plain HTML file, as the widget is a single file.

You will notice that you get 2 javascript files:
- widget.small.js - This file is the minified version of the widget, that DOES NOT contain the questions. It is recommended to use this file when you want to add your own questions.
- widget.with-questions.js - This file contains all the questions already built-in. Use this if you want to use the default
You can find the full documentation at: https://docs.quiz-galaxy.com/

Change and Adaptation Instructions

In order to update the NextJS project, take into account that it is a NextJS 14+ project, with app directory.
- All the pages can be found in the app/[locale] directory.
- New languages can be added by creating a new file in the src/app/i18n directory.
- The language switcher component can be found in the src/app/components/lang-switcher.tsx file.
- This project uses TypeORM for database management and Zustand for state management. The database connection can be found in the src/app/database directory. The state management can be found in the src/app/store directory. The models can be found in the src/app/models directory.
- The components can be found in the src/app/components directory. When style is needed, for each component, there is a dedicated file that is imported in the component file.

If you want to use the pluggable widget, you need to import the javascript file, like this:

After this, you can use the widget like this:

You can find the full documentation at: https://docs.quiz-galaxy.com/

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