Doctor booking appointment system

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


meshack ronoh
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Sep 1, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보


A healthcare patient management application that allows patients to easily register, book, and manage their appointments with doctors, featuring administrative tools for scheduling, confirming, and canceling appointments, along with SMS notifications, all built using Next.js.

Tech Stack

  • Next.js: A powerful React framework that allows for seamless server-side rendering and optimized performance, enabling a fast and responsive user experience.

  • Appwrite: A backend-as-a-service that provides robust user authentication, database management, and file storage, ensuring secure and efficient handling of patient data and profiles.

  • TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript that helps catch errors early and improves code maintainability, ensuring your application is reliable and scalable.

  • TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework that allows for rapid UI development with a consistent and responsive design, ensuring your application looks great on all devices.

  • ShadCN: A component library built on top of Radix and Tailwind CSS, enabling you to build accessible and stylish UI components with ease, enhancing user experience.

  • Twilio: A communication platform that provides messaging and voice services, allowing for automated appointment confirmations, reminders, and notifications, improving patient-doctor communication.

Register as a Patient: Users can sign up and create a personal profile as a patient.

Patient Profile Management & Doctor Access: Upon registration, patients' profiles are created and securely stored. When patients return for future appointments, they do not need to register again, making the process seamless. Patients can easily update their profiles, including their medical history and current health information. Before accepting an appointment, doctors have access to view the patient's profile, enabling them to review the patient's medical details and history, ensuring informed decision-making for each appointment.

Book a New Appointment with Doctor: Patients can schedule appointments with doctors at their convenience and can book multiple appointments.

Manage Appointments on Admin Side: Administrators can efficiently view and handle all scheduled appointments.

Confirm/Schedule Appointment from Admin Side: Admins can confirm and set appointment times to ensure they are properly scheduled.

Cancel Appointment from Admin Side: Administrators have the ability to cancel any appointment as needed.

Send SMS on Appointment Confirmation: Patients receive SMS notifications to confirm their appointment details.

Complete Responsiveness: The application works seamlessly on all device types and screen sizes.

File Upload Using Appwrite Storage: Users can upload and store files securely within the app using Appwrite storage services.

Manage and Track Application Performance Using Sentry: The application uses Sentry to monitor and track its performance and detect any errors. and many more, including code architecture and re-usability

Features of the Doctor Appointment Booking System
1.User Authentication: Secure login and registration for patients and doctors.
Authentication via Appwrite's backend service.

2. Patient Management: Create and manage patient profiles, including personal details, medical history, and contact information. Store and access patient identification documents.

3. Doctor Management: Create and manage doctor profiles with details like specialization, contact information, and availability.

4. Appointment Scheduling: Patients can book appointments with doctors based on availability.
Manage appointments, including rescheduling or canceling them.

5. Notification System: Integration with Twilio to send appointment reminders and notifications via SMS.

6.Data Security and Privacy: Ensure privacy consent is recorded for all patients.
Secure storage and management of sensitive patient data.

7. Responsive Design: Fully responsive UI to provide a seamless experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

8. Environment Configuration: Easily configurable environment variables for project setup, including API keys and database IDs.

9. Developer-Friendly: Easy setup and deployment instructions to get the system up and running quickly.

File Tree

  • 📁 Doctor booking appointment system

설치 지침

Installation Instructions
Unzip the Project:

Download and unzip the provided ZIP file to your desired directory.

1. Install Dependencies: Open your terminal and navigate to the project directory.
Run the following command to install all necessary dependencies:

npm install

2. Configure the Environment Variables: Create a .env.local file in the root of your project.
Copy the content of the provided .env.example into this file.
Fill in the values for each environment variable.

3. Set Up Appwrite:

a). Create a Project: Sign up or log in to Appwrite Cloud, create a new project, and get the Project ID.
b). Set Up Database: Create a database and collections for patients, doctors, and appointments.
c). Set Up API Key: Create an API key with the necessary permissions.
d). Add Twilio Credentials: Add your Twilio credentials directly to the Appwrite Message page.

4. Set Up Twilio: Create a Twilio account and get your Account SID and Auth Token.
These credentials will be managed via the Appwrite Message page.
Run the Project:

5. Start the development server:

npm run dev

Access the application at http://localhost:3000.

Follow the deployment instructions provided by your hosting platform, ensuring all environment variables are set correctly.

변경 및 적응 지침

Project Overview
Your project is organized as follows:

/app: Main application code, including pages (admin, patients, api).
/components: Reusable UI components like forms and tables.
/lib: Utility functions, API configs, and action handlers.
/public: Static assets (images, icons).
/types: TypeScript types and interfaces.
Config Files: next.config.mjs, tailwind.config.ts, .eslintrc.js, etc.

How to Make Changes

1. Open the Project in your editor.
2. Navigate to the relevant folder (/components, /app, /lib) for the code you want to modify.
3. Edit Components/Pages as needed.
4. Adjust Styles via Tailwind or directly in components.
5. Test Your Changes locally using npm run dev.
6.Deploy after confirming everything works.

This guide should help you quickly locate and update the necessary parts of your project.

가격 정보

가격 통계

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최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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