FlickFad E Commerce Site For Online Shopping

제품 정보

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Full Stack E Commerce Website Developer
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Aug 29, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

In the ever-changing business environment, it is essential to have the ability to quickly and effectively meet client needs. If your customers want to browse your business online and have immediate access to your products or services, an e-commerce web application is a lifestyle choice that sells a wide range of fashion and lifestyle items, including men's wear. This project provides access to a wide range of products, allowing registered users to make instant purchases using PayPal as a payment processor. Additionally, users can choose to pay later by using the PayPal option for cash on delivery. This project offers a convenient way for administrators and managers to view orders made through pay later and instant pay options. To create an e-commerce website, it is necessary to study and comprehend various technologies. These include multi-tiered architecture, server and client side scripting techniques, implementation technologies such as NEXT.JS, programming languages like TypeScript, and non-relational databases. This project aims to create a simple website that allows consumers to add items to their shopping cart and learn about the technologies employed in its development. This document will delve into the various technologies involved in the creation and implementation of an ecommerce website.

• Any individual can sign up and browse the products on offer.

• Only registered members are permitted to purchase multiple products, irrespective of their quantity.

• There are three distinct roles: Visitor, User, and Admin.

• A Visitor can browse the available products.

• A User can view and buy products.

• An Admin possesses additional privileges, encompassing all the rights of both Visitors and Users.

• Admins can add new products, modify product details, and add or remove items from the inventory.

• Admins can create user accounts, update user information, and delete users as necessary.

• Admins can ship orders to users based on their purchases.


• Browse through different products.
• Login/Register for visiting application.
• Filter Products based on category, price etc.

• Add them to the cart.

• Update account profile.

• Pay with PayPal, including PayPal CREDIT, VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX, DISCOVER, venmo.
• View order details of all ordered items.

• For inquiries or support, users can use About Us, Our Services, Helpful Links, Contact Us options pages from footer.

• Surf page easily with user-friendly navigation.

• Find any products from a site search bar.
• Change View to dark and light mode.
• Users can add them using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

• View automatic updated years from footer.


• Login/Register for visiting dashboard.
• Add/list products.
• Update product details, quantity, description etc.

• Delete unnecessary products.

• Set product reviews.
• View list of the users.

• View orders and manage order details and status.
• Delete a particular user.

• Update username, email and position. 
• View sales, orders, products, users report with chart.

• Update or edit admin profile.

File Tree

  • 📁 FlickFad E Commerce Site For Online Shopping

설치 지침

When you click on download you will get a zip file including all source code and data files. Then you will upload your source code zip file to your computer by using Visual Studio Code ide or other development tools. If you upload the project directly, then you need a domain and host and run the project in an online presence by uploading the zip file.

변경 및 적응 지침

For production, you will need

1. A domain name and host
2. MongoDB Atlas database connections for data storing 
3. Cloudinary account for product image hosting
4. Next Auth dot JS local authentication
5. PayPal account for payment transactions 
6. Email account for admin sign in

When your software is in production or testing mood, you can change and update all the product details, quantity, description etc., delete unnecessary products, set product reviews, manage order details and status, delete a particular user, update username, email and position.

If you are a software application developer, then you can change, modify and add source code by using developing websites and tools.

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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