High School Cheerleader Dress up

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

May 9, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

This dressup game is about cheerleaders. They are 6 gorgeous girl friends who study at the same high school and support their team at sporting events. Wherever their team goes, they are there to support them.

For their performances to impress the audience and motivate their team to win, cheerleaders train a lot and become proper athletes themselves. These girls are fit, strong and agile. They can do a leg split, a handspring and other acrobatic moves! Cheerleaders have to act as a team. Their complex acrobatic moves need to be fully synchronized. Cheerleading requires a lot of training!

Cheerleaders' outfits are fancy, fashionable and comfortable. They use pompoms in their stunts and think up new creative outfits and moves to make a great performance. Cheerleader girls love football, soccer, baskeball and other sports games! But most of all they like to dress up!
• Made with Unity
• AdMob and Unity Ads integrated
• Rate integrated
• Find the best hairstyle
• Try on many different skirts, shorts and leggings
• Do a photoshoot with your dream date

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  • 📁 High School Cheerleader Dress up

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