Modern E Commerce App UI Kit Flutter Responsive Template with Clean Design and Easy Customization

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Abdelrahman Mohamed
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Aug 29, 2024

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제품 세부 정보

A fully-featured, customizable, and responsive Flutter E-Commerce App UI Kit. Includes everything from login to checkout, supporting multiple languages, themes, and ready for State management & Firebase & API integration.


Looking to build a modern and scalable e-commerce app? Our Flutter-based E-Commerce App UI Kit is the perfect starting point! Designed with clean aesthetics and easy customization in mind, this UI kit comes packed with essential features that cater to both developers and users alike.

Feature List with Descriptions:

User Management:

  • Login & Logout: Secure and seamless authentication experience.
  • Sign Up: Easy user registration process.
  • Social Media Login: Integrated with popular platforms for quick access.
  • Change Password & Forget Password: Ensure user security with easy password management.
  • Code Confirmation: Added security with OTP-based confirmation.
  • Guest Mode: Allow users to browse without signing in.
  • Profile Update: User-friendly interface for updating personal information.
  • Multiple Language Support: Reach a broader audience with multi-language capabilities.

Shopping Experience:

  • Product Listing & Categories: Organize products with two modes for different categories.
  • Banners: Showcase promotions with customizable banners.
  • Search & Filters: Advanced search capabilities for a better shopping experience.
  • Product Reviews & Favorites: Enhance user engagement with review and wishlist features.
  • Orders & Order History: Track current and past orders effortlessly.
  • Cart & Checkout: Smooth and efficient checkout process.

Additional Features:

  • Loyalty Points: Reward loyal customers with a point system.
  • Privacy Policy: Easily customizable privacy policy template.
  • Notifications: Keep users informed with push notifications.
  • Firebase & API Setup: Pre-configured with Firebase and ready-to-use API setup using DIO.
  • State Management: Efficient state management integrated into the app with Provider package.

Source Code Structure

The source code for this E-Commerce App UI Kit is designed with a feature-based architecture, ensuring that each feature is modular, maintainable, and easily extendable. This architecture allows developers to focus on individual features without affecting the entire app, leading to cleaner code and a more organized project structure.

Directory Structure:

  1. Cache (if exists):

    • Purpose: Manages local storage for caching data, enhancing performance and reducing unnecessary API calls.
    • Usage: Includes logic to cache data like product lists or user information, ensuring the app runs smoothly even with intermittent network connections.
  2. Constant (API Constants):

    • Purpose: Centralized location for API constants.
    • Usage: Stores base URLs, endpoints, and other constant values, making it easy to manage API configurations across the app.
  3. Entities:

    • Purpose: Defines the data models used throughout the app.
    • Usage: Includes all the data structures, such as Product, User, Order, etc., representing the core business logic.
  4. Services (API Calls):

    • Purpose: Handles all the API interactions.
    • Usage: Contains functions for making HTTP requests using the DIO package, ensuring a clean separation between the UI and data-fetching logic.
  5. UI:

    • Purpose: Contains all the visual components and screens.
    • Usage: Houses the widgets and screens that make up the user interface, organized by feature. This separation ensures that the UI layer remains distinct from the business logic.
  6. View Models (Notifier for Provider Package):

    • Purpose: Manages the state and business logic for each feature.
    • Usage: Contains view models that interact with services and entities, exposing data to the UI components. It uses the Provider package for state management, ensuring a reactive and responsive UI.

Why This Architecture?

  • Modularity: Each feature is self-contained, making it easy to maintain, test, and extend.
  • Scalability: The clear separation of concerns allows for easy scaling as new features are added.
  • Maintainability: By organizing the code into distinct directories, developers can quickly locate and work on specific parts of the app without navigating through a monolithic codebase.
  • Reusability: Components and services can be easily reused across different parts of the app, reducing redundancy.

User Management:

Login & Logout: Secure and seamless authentication experience.
Sign Up: Easy user registration process.
Social Media Login: Integrated with popular platforms for quick access.
Change Password & Forget Password: Ensure user security with easy password management.
Code Confirmation: Added security with OTP-based confirmation.
Guest Mode: Allow users to browse without signing in.
Profile Update: User-friendly interface for updating personal information.
Multiple Language Support: Reach a broader audience with multi-language capabilities.

Shopping Experience:

Product Listing & Categories: Organize products with two modes for different categories.
Banners: Showcase promotions with customizable banners.
Search & Filters: Advanced search capabilities for a better shopping experience.
Product Reviews & Favorites: Enhance user engagement with review and wishlist features.
Orders & Order History: Track current and past orders effortlessly.
Cart & Checkout: Smooth and efficient checkout process.

Additional Features:

Loyalty Points: Reward loyal customers with a point system.
Privacy Policy: Easily customizable privacy policy template.
Notifications: Keep users informed with push notifications.
Firebase & API Setup: Pre-configured with Firebase and ready-to-use API setup using DIO.
State Management: Efficient state management integrated into the app with Provider package.

File Tree

  • 📁 Modern E Commerce App UI Kit Flutter Responsive Template with Clean Design and Easy Customization

설치 지침

Download the Source Code:
Download the source code from Piece X to your local machine.
Unzip the downloaded file and navigate to the project directory.

Install Dependencies:
Ensure you have Flutter installed on your system. If not, follow the official Flutter installation guide.

Open a terminal and run the following command to install the required dependencies:
flutter pub get

Run the Application:
Once everything is set up, you can run the app on an emulator or a physical device using:
flutter run

변경 및 적응 지침

Configure Firebase (Optional):
If you wish to use Firebase for authentication, notifications, or other services, follow these steps:
Go to the Firebase Console.
Create a new project and add your app (iOS/Android).
Download the google-services.json file (for Android) or GoogleService-Info.plist (for iOS) and place them in the appropriate directories:
android/app/ for google-services.json
ios/Runner/ for GoogleService-Info.plist
Follow the Firebase setup instructions to integrate Firebase into your Flutter project.

API Setup (Optional):

Navigate to the lib/services/ directory.
The services files contain mock return values for API calls. You can test the app using these mocks.
To connect the app to a real backend, just remove the line that returns the mock in the service files located in lib/feature/services/.
Replace the base URLs and API endpoints with your own in files located in lib/feature/constants/.

Customize the App:
Customize the UI and functionality by editing the files in the ui and view models directories.

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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