Stock and Inventory module

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Dot Design W3DIY
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Oct 4, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Stock and Inventory system is the web-based database using the basic text file read and write programming method without the complicated SQL database.

It allows users to group the items for better control. Items can be grouped by suppliers and share with them to mornitor the stock status. The incoming and outgoing stocks are recorded base on the fiscal year from month to month. The system also has reports export to Excel file for further reportings and records.

As a system, the four main functions are items grouping, incoming and outgoing stocks, and group portal.

The following inventory system is the trail version for you to try out before you download. The source code will be available below for you to download for free once it is ready.

Following are the four main functions in this module.


At the initial run of the module when you open the w3diy_inventory.php webpage, the module will set up the respective directories and sub-directories getting ready to record the data. It will also prompt the users to set up the fiscal year so that the module can record the data correctly.


After setup, the next step is to create groups and item informations. This step is to get ready to receive incoming stocks and dispatch the outgoing orders.
Stock closing function is also in the respective group to reset the stock at the end of the fiscal year.


After setup the item informations, users can then use the App to record daily stock movements.


This is the group portals that can separately shared with the respective person-in-charge of the group to monitor the stock levels.
There are also Excel report export function to export the data for offline evaluation and Whatsapp function to message the status to the person-in-charge for further actions.


Buyers are required to have basic website programming knowledge in order to understand the module. What you getting is the source code of the application module that is working on PHP 8. Modifications may needed to run in your web server. That is to say you are buying the module source code for your reference. It is not a complied bindery software. Please refer the module above to understand the functions in the module.

- stock and inventory
- item information: model, barcode, name, description, image, prices
- company fiscal year setting
- item grouping
- incoming and outgoing
- excel report exporting
- stock level monitoring
- Whatsapp messaging

설치 지침

his module consists of 23 php files, a CSS file, a readme file, and a js folder: You will receive a zip file. Open the zip file and copy all the files in your PC. Read the readme file to understand the module.
Upload the source code to your server. launch the first page according to the readme file.

변경 및 적응 지침

Buyers are required to have basic website programming knowledge (HTML, PHP, CSS, Javescript) in order to change and adapting the module. What you getting is the source code of the application module that is working on PHP 8. Modifications may needed to run in your web server. That is to say you are buying the module source code for your reference. It is not a complied bindery software.

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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