Open source

A peer to peer cryptocurrencies trading site similar to localbitcoins,paxful and remitano with support of multiple cryptocurrencies. Open source code and premium support and plans available at PieceX for OSS. Download source code for free. PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

Plans from $100.00
Open source

A tool for developing smart contracts. Crafted with the finest cacaos.. Open source code and premium support and plans available at PieceX for OSS. Download source code for free. PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

Open source

Official repository for core projects comprising the Celo platform. Open source code and premium support and plans available at PieceX for OSS. Download source code for free. PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

Open source

Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 crypto wallets with 0x and atomic swap exchange. . Open source code and premium support and plans available at PieceX for OSS. Download source code for free. PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

Open source

MyCrypto is an open-source tool that allows you to manage your Ethereum accounts privately and securely. Developed by and for the community since 2015, we’re focused on building awesome products that put the power in people’s hands.. Open source code and premium support and plans available at PieceX for OSS. Download source code for free. PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

Open source

Cross-platform, cross-blockchain wallet library.. Open source code and premium support and plans available at PieceX for OSS. Download source code for free. PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

Open source

The unofficial Python client for the Uniswap exchange.. Open source code and premium support and plans available at PieceX for OSS. Download source code for free. PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

Open source

A caching layer for an ethereum node using Cloudflares CDN and Cloudflare workers. Open source code and premium support and plans available at PieceX for OSS. Download source code for free. PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

Open source

THE INSTANT ONE. Open source code and premium support and plans available at PieceX for OSS. Download source code for free. PieceX for OSS is our open source initiative where supporters can provide additional features, support, or customizations for existing open sources repositories. Providers offering additional functions, support or code customizations can upload their subscriptions plans for other users to purchase. You can choose between different plans with either a monthly subscription or one-time payment.

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