Meeting Management Module for Perfex CRM

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By8e Solutions
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Oct 9, 2024

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Discover the ultimate Meeting Management Module designed for Perfex CRM! In this comprehensive demo, we showcase how to effectively manage meeting agendas, track minutes, assign tasks, and handle participants with ease. Whether you're a project manager, team leader, or a business looking to streamline your meeting processes, this module is a game-changer.
In this video, you'll learn:

How to create and manage meeting agendas.
Tracking minutes of meetings with ease.
Assigning tasks to participants and monitoring progress.
Managing participants (clients, staff, vendors) and their roles in meetings.
Viewing meeting notes in the client portal.
Exporting meeting details to PDF with professional formatting.

This module is perfect for businesses using Perfex CRM to handle complex meetings and team collaborations. Streamline your workflow and improve communication with this powerful tool!

1. Controllers

  • Location: modules/meeting_management/controllers/

  • Purpose: Controllers handle requests from the user interface and interact with models to process data. They are the primary logic holders for routing, data handling, and processing.
    • Meeting.php: Manages all meeting-related operations such as creating meetings, viewing meeting details, and updating agendas or minutes.

    • Tasks.php: Handles task assignment to participants, including task progress tracking, and updates related to specific meetings.

    • Participants.php: Controls the management of meeting participants, including adding/removing staff, clients, or vendors to meetings.

    • Pdf.php: Generates PDF exports for meeting details, agendas, and minutes. Customizable for branding and layout of PDF outputs.

2. Models

  • Location: modules/meeting_management/models/

  • Purpose: Models interact with the database, performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations and processing any complex data logic.
    • Meeting_model.php: Handles all database interactions related to meeting creation, updates, deletion, and retrieval of data.

    • Task_model.php: Manages task-related database queries, storing task details assigned to participants and monitoring their progress.

    • Participant_model.php: Handles participant-related data storage and retrieval, such as adding or removing staff, clients, and vendors for each meeting.

    • Pdf_model.php: Manages any specific data needed for exporting meetings to PDFs.


  • Location: modules/meeting_management/views/

  • Purpose: Views define the user interface (UI) and how data is presented to users. These files contain the HTML, CSS, and PHP for rendering meeting pages.
    • agenda.php: Displays the meeting agenda. You can customize the layout, structure, or add new fields to this page.

    • minutes.php: Used for tracking and displaying meeting minutes, allowing the user to edit and finalize documentation for meetings.

    • tasks.php: Shows task assignment information and progress tracking for tasks related to the meeting.

    • participants.php: Manages the participant interface, where users can add or remove participants from meetings.

    • pdf.php: Provides the structure for rendering the PDF export view, controlling what information is included and how it's formatted.

4. Libraries

  • Location: modules/meeting_management/libraries/

  • Purpose: Contains additional custom libraries to handle special tasks, such as generating PDFs or interacting with external APIs.
    • Pdf.php: A helper library that generates PDF files using meeting data such as agendas, minutes, and participant lists. This can be customized for different layouts or additional data fields.

5. Language Files

  • Location: modules/meeting_management/language/english/

  • Purpose: Stores language files for localization. If you need to support multiple languages, this folder can be expanded with other language options.
    • meeting_lang.php: Contains all the language strings used in the module. You can add, edit, or translate these strings based on your needs.

6. Installation Files

  • Location: modules/meeting_management/

  • Purpose: Handles the installation, uninstallation, and upgrading of the module.
    • install.php: Executes the SQL queries needed to create the necessary database tables for meetings, tasks, and participants. It ensures the module is properly set up during installation.

    • uninstall.php: Ensures that when the module is removed, the related database tables, configurations, and data are properly cleaned up.

    • upgrade.php: This file is used when upgrading the module to a new version, ensuring that any database changes or feature additions are properly handled.

7. JavaScript and CSS Files

  • Location: modules/meeting_management/assets/

  • Purpose: Contains all JavaScript and CSS files needed for frontend interactions and styling of the module.
    • meeting.js: Handles all JavaScript logic for dynamic user interactions on meeting pages, such as agenda editing, task progress updating, and participant management.

    • styles.css: Contains custom CSS for styling the meeting management interface, making sure the module s UI fits well within the Perfex CRM theme.

8. Permissions and Settings

  • Location: modules/meeting_management/

  • Purpose: Manages module-specific settings, permissions, and configurations.
    • Permissions.php: Defines the roles and permissions for accessing or interacting with various aspects of the meeting module (e.g., who can edit agendas, assign tasks, or view minutes).

    • Settings.php: Handles any custom settings for the module that can be configured from the Perfex CRM admin interface.

Database Tables Overview

  • meetings: Stores information about each meeting, such as title, date, agenda, and meeting creator.

  • meeting_tasks: Contains all the tasks assigned during meetings, including task descriptions, assignees, and deadlines.

  • meeting_participants: Tracks staff, clients, and vendors involved in the meeting, along with their roles.

  • meeting_minutes: Records all meeting minutes for documentation and follow-up.

Elevate your meeting management with this feature-packed module tailored for Perfex CRM. This solution enables seamless handling of agendas, minutes, tasks, and participants, providing efficiency and clarity for your team collaborations.

Features Include:

Agenda Creation & Management: Easily create and organize meeting agendas.
Minutes Tracking: Efficiently document and track meeting minutes.
Task Assignment & Progress Tracking: Assign tasks to participants and monitor progress.
Participant Management: Manage roles for clients, staff, and vendors involved in the meeting.
Client Portal Integration: View meeting notes directly in the client portal.
Export to PDF: Export meeting details with professional formatting.

This module is an essential tool for businesses using Perfex CRM to manage meetings and improve team coordination.

Árvore de arquivos

  • 📁 Meeting Management Module for Perfex CRM

Instruções de instalação

Download the Module:

Ensure you have the module files ready. You can download them from the source or your client dashboard.
Upload the Module to Perfex CRM:

Log into your Perfex CRM Admin Panel.
Navigate to Modules > Modules Setup.
Click on the Upload Module button.
Select the .zip file of the meeting management module and upload it.

Extract the Module:

After uploading, navigate to your FTP/File Manager.
Go to your Perfex installation directory.
Locate the modules folder.
Inside, find the newly uploaded file.
Right-click the file and choose Extract to unzip the module files into the modules directory.

Activate the Module:

Return to the Perfex CRM Admin Panel.
Go to Modules > Modules Setup.
You should now see the Meeting Management module listed.
Click on the Activate button next to the module.

Configure the Module:

Once activated, go to Settings > Meeting Management.
Customize the module settings as per your business needs, including roles, access, and client portal preferences.

Run Database Migrations (If Applicable):

Some modules may require database updates.
After activation, go to Utilities > System Utilities > Database and ensure there are no pending database migrations related to the module.

Test the Installation:

Create a test meeting to ensure all features such as agenda creation, minutes tracking, task assignment, and participant management are functioning correctly.
Verify that clients can view meeting notes via the client portal if this feature is enabled.

Instruções de alteração e adaptação

Understanding the Module Structure:
Familiarize yourself with the module's directory structure. The primary files to modify are located in the following paths:

Customizing Agendas and Minutes Layout:
Agenda: To modify the agenda layout or add new fields, navigate to the views/agenda.php file. Add any additional HTML and PHP logic to customize how the agenda is displayed.
Minutes: For minute-taking customization, open views/minutes.php. You can modify the form inputs or styling here to suit your documentation needs.

Modifying Task Assignment Logic:
To adapt the task assignment process, open the controllers/Tasks.php file. You can add custom business logic to tailor how tasks are assigned to meeting participants or modify the progress-tracking system.

Participant Management Customization:
To change the way participants are managed (staff, clients, or vendors), modify the controllers/Participants.php file. You can also adjust roles and permissions based on your requirements.
In models/Participant_model.php, customize the database queries if you need to change how participants are fetched or stored.

Client Portal Integration Adjustments:
If you wish to modify how clients view meetings in the client portal, update the views/client_portal/meetings.php file. You can control what details are shown to the client and modify the layout to fit your branding.

Export to PDF Customization:
The PDF export functionality can be customized by editing the controllers/Pdf.php file. You can adjust formatting, add logos, or change the layout to match your company’s branding.
Modify the libraries/PDF.php class if you need deeper customization in terms of how the PDF is generated or to integrate other PDF features (like watermarks or signatures).

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