Flutter Yapdoof Escrow Multi Vendor Wallet eCommerce CMS Application

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Omept Technology Limited
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Jul 28, 2024

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Detalles del producto

* Android and iOS Flutter App For Yapdoof Escrow Mall. **
Link to Buy Web App on PieceX: https://bit.ly/piecex-yapdoof-web

More About Yapdoof:

Yapdoof Escrow Mall App
is a modern and flexible escrow powered multi-vendor wallets e-commerce system where users can organize multiple shops and stores such as digital stores, fashion stores, sports stores, home & living stores, health & beauty stores, and many others in one platform. In simple words, you ll get All Things Under One Roof!

Business owners dealing with eCommerce for physical shops, online shops, online delivery, order, and Multi-vendor/Single-vendor online business will find this package to be extremely useful. You can offer your customers the best shopping experience with your wallet's shop mobile-optimized design. Vendors and Customers can track their transactions on the mobile application. With the mobile application, vendors and their team members can accept, decline, refund, investigate, and complete transactions. Customers can send payment directly to a wallet with the mobile app if they don't want to buy from the online shop. Vendors can send payment requests from the mobile app too.

NB: Paystack (https://paystack.com) is used for processing payments on Yapdoof. Please contact us if you'd like to add more payment providers.

Yapdoof redefines the entrepreneurial experience by seamlessly integrating the power of multi-business management, product showcasing, and secure payments all within the grasp of your fingertips.

With Yapdoof, managing multiple businesses becomes a breeze. Our innovative platform enables businesses to effortlessly showcase products through personalized shop websites, directly linked to secure wallets.

At the heart of Yapdoof lies our user-friendly item builder, a tool designed to put you in control. Easily list and accept payments for items or services that require customer inputs, giving businesses the flexibility to tailor offerings to meet the diverse needs of their clientele. It's not just about transactions; it's about building relationships and ensuring customer satisfaction.

This script is a clean and modern solution for online marketplaces. With it's escrow implementation, clean and trendy design, Yapdoof will makes online stores more trust worthy, impressive, and appealing.

Implemented Business Model:

Team Feature:

  • Pay a fixed price to activate.

  • Free Members: Each wallet includes 2 free team member slots, allowing teams to start collaborating immediately at no extra cost.

  • Pricing: A configurable amount is charged per new member added.

Service Charge Structure

  • Tiered Service Charges: We've implemented a 5-tier service charge system to ensure fairness and scalability.

  • Top Tier Pricing: The lowest service charge is Level 1 and the maximum service charge is at Lever 5. All user wallets start from Level 5 and with the increment in transactions for a wallet, the lower the service charge. The condition for level upgrades is configurable, ensuring predictability and value for high-volume transactions.

Mobile Screens:

Manage Listing and View Website loads the wallet's shop manager and the wallet's website in a web view running inside the app. The user doesn't have to leave the app.

App Features Include:

- Request Payment
- Send Payment
- Wallet to Stash Fund Transfer
- Stash to Bank Fund Transfer
- Team order management
- Personal order management
- Bank management
- Transaction Pin management
- Wallet Creation
- Promo Codes
- Push Notifications

File Tree

  • 📁 Flutter Yapdoof Escrow Multi Vendor Wallet eCommerce CMS Application

Instrucciones de instalación

1. Download the Repository

2. Navigate to the Project Directory
Change the directory to the newly cloned project:

`cd `
Replace with the name of the cloned repository folder.

3. Install Dependencies
Run the following command to fetch and install the project dependencies:

`flutter pub get`

4. Set Up the IDE
Visual Studio Code:

Install the Flutter and Dart plugins from the Extensions marketplace.
Android Studio:

Install the Flutter and Dart plugins from the plugin marketplace.
IntelliJ IDEA:

Install the Flutter and Dart plugins from the plugin marketplace.

5. Configure the Device/Emulator

For Android, you can set up an Android Virtual Device (AVD) using Android Studio.
For iOS, you can use the iOS Simulator if you're on a macOS system.

Physical Device:

For Android, enable Developer Options and USB Debugging on your device.
For iOS, ensure your device is connected and trusted by your macOS system.

6. Run the Application
Make sure the emulator or physical device is connected and recognized by Flutter. You can verify connected devices by running:

`flutter devices`
To run the application, execute the following command:

`flutter run`
Alternatively, you can use the "Run" button in your IDE.

7. Debugging
For debugging, use the tools provided by your IDE. Set breakpoints and use the Flutter DevTools for a detailed debugging experience.

Additional Steps:
iOS Specific Setup

For iOS development, additional setup may be required:

CocoaPods: Ensure you have CocoaPods installed. You can install it using:

`sudo gem install cocoapods`

Dependencies: Navigate to the ios directory in your Flutter project and run:

`cd ios
pod install
Android Specific Setup
For Android development:

Ensure you have the latest Android SDK and build tools installed.

Configure the local.properties file to point to your Android SDK location

More at : https://bit.ly/yapdoof-flutter-source-installation

Instrucciones de cambio y adaptación

Changes can be made to the source code via text editors.

For iOS Push notifications, you need to set it up with application signing. The current setup is linked to my device's signing keys. Feel free to reach out for support.

For iOS Push notifications, you need to set it up with application signing. The current setup is linked to my device's signing keys. Feel free to reach out for support.

Android Push notifications has been set up.

NB for the web app: The app integrates with Sentry, however, it sends an email notification any time a server error is triggered in the app. The current email set for this notification can be found in the .env under APP_MAINTAINER. This action can be triggered off from the .env file by setting SEND_EMAIL_ON_500_ERR to false.

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