Edtech Course Selling Website Next js

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Jul 15, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

Course Selling web app Next js 13 Full Stack

Welcome to Coinsats, a comprehensive and versatile course selling website built with Next.js 14. This full-stack solution is perfect for educators and students alike, offering a robust platform to create, manage, and purchase courses from anywhere in the world.

Key Features

Teacher Mode

  • Upload Courses: Teachers can easily upload their courses, set pricing, and manage course content.

  • Unlimited Document Uploads: Upload an unlimited number of documents related to each course, providing comprehensive learning materials for students.

  • Publish Articles: Teachers can publish articles to share insights, updates, and additional knowledge with students.

  • Course Previews: Option to upload free course previews, allowing students to get a glimpse of the course content before making a purchase.

  • Stripe Integration: Seamless payment integration with Stripe, enabling teachers to receive payments directly into their Stripe accounts.

Student Mode

  • Purchase Courses: Students can purchase courses from anywhere in the world, with secure payment processing via Stripe.

  • Locked Courses: Courses remain locked until purchased, ensuring that only paying students gain access to the premium content.

  • Global Access: Accessible from anywhere, making it easy for students around the globe to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Full-Stack Solution

Coinsats is a full-stack application, offering a complete solution for course management and sales. Built with the latest technologies, it ensures a seamless and efficient user experience.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js 13: A modern framework for building fast, user-friendly web applications.

  • Node.js: Back-end development ensuring robust and scalable server-side operations.

  • Stripe: Secure and reliable payment processing.

  • Clerk: Authentication and user management.

  • Mux: Video handling for course previews and content.

  • Uploadthing: Document and file uploading.

  • MySQL: Database management for storing course and user information.

Why Choose Coinsats?

  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with both teachers and students in mind, offering an intuitive and easy-to-navigate platform.

  • Scalable and Secure: Built with modern technologies, ensuring a secure and scalable solution for growing your course offerings.

  • Comprehensive Features: Everything you need to manage and sell courses, from content upload to payment processing.

  • Global Reach: Enable students from around the world to access your courses, expanding your audience and potential revenue.

Get Started

Unlock the full potential of your teaching capabilities with Coinsats. Purchase now and start creating, managing, and selling your courses with ease!

Key Features
Teacher Mode
Upload Courses: Teachers can easily upload their courses, set pricing, and manage course content.
Unlimited Document Uploads: Upload an unlimited number of documents related to each course, providing comprehensive learning materials for students.
Publish Articles: Teachers can publish articles to share insights, updates, and additional knowledge with students.
Course Previews: Option to upload free course previews, allowing students to get a glimpse of the course content before making a purchase.
Stripe Integration: Seamless payment integration with Stripe, enabling teachers to receive payments directly into their Stripe accounts.
Student Mode
Purchase Courses: Students can purchase courses from anywhere in the world, with secure payment processing via Stripe.
Locked Courses: Courses remain locked until purchased, ensuring that only paying students gain access to the premium content.
Global Access: Accessible from anywhere, making it easy for students around the globe to enhance their skills and knowledge.

File Tree

  • 📁 Edtech Course Selling Website Next js

설치 지침

Next.js 14 Project Setup with Clerk, Mux, and Uploadthing
This documentation provides the steps to set up and run a Next.js 14 application using Clerk for authentication, Mux for video handling, and Uploadthing for file uploading.

Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
A MySQL database set up with the necessary credentials.
Next.js 14 installed.
Step 1: Install Dependencies
Navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

npm install
Step 2: Configure Environment Variables
Create a .env.local file in the root of your project and add the following environment variables:

# Clerk Authentication

# Database

# Uploadthing

# Mux

# App URL

# Stripe

# Teacher ID

Obtaining API Keys
Follow the instructions below to obtain the necessary API keys and credentials:

Clerk: Sign up at Clerk, create a project, and obtain your publishable and secret keys from the project settings.
Uploadthing: Sign up at Uploadthing, create an app, and obtain your app ID and secret key from the app settings.
Mux: Sign up at Mux, create a project, and obtain your token ID and secret key from the project settings.
Stripe: Sign up at Stripe, create a project, and obtain your API key and webhook secret from the project settings.
Step 3: Run the Application
Start t

변경 및 적응 지침

To adapt and customize "Coinsats Course Selling Website Next.js 14 Full Stack" to your specific needs, follow these instructions:

Environment Setup:

Install Node.js and npm on your machine.
Set up a MySQL database with the required credentials.
Install Next.js 14 globally if not already installed.

Clone or download the repository.
Create a .env.local file in the root directory.
Copy the provided environment variables from the documentation.
Obtain necessary API keys and credentials from services like Stripe, Clerk, Mux, and Uploadthing as outlined in the documentation.

Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
Run npm install to install dependencies.
Running the Application:

Start the development server with npm run dev.
Access the application at http://localhost:3000.

Modify the UI/UX by editing components in the src/components and src/pages directories.
Implement additional features or modify existing ones as per your requirements.

Build the application for production using npm run build.
Start the production server with npm start.

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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